The book " Maneviyat Psikolojisi VI", of which Tarhan is also one of the authors, has been published

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The book “Manevi Danışmanlık ve Rehberlik Maneviyat Psikolojisi VI” (Spiritual Counseling and Guidance, Psychology of Spirituality VI), co-authored by President of Üsküdar University and Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, met with the readers under the editorship of Dr. Mustafa Atak and Prof. Sefa Bulut. In the book, the importance of spirituality in all fields related to psychology was emphasized and conveyed to the readers. Tarhan, who is included in the book under the title of "Today's Humans and the Crisis of Existence", deals with the questioning of human existence.

The book "Spiritual Counseling and Guidance, Psychology of Spirituality VI", contributed by Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, met with the readers by Nobel Academic Publishing.

Today's people and the crisis of existence...

Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan's article titled "Today's Man and Existential Crisis" met with the reader. In Tarhan's article, it is stated that "In addition to being a biopsychosocial being, man is also a spiritual being. While our biological existence is explained by physics and chemistry, our psychological existence is also involved in thought and language. In the universal flow of thoughts and emotions, there is an exchange of energy between units. When a person realizes that one’s own power is limited and insufficient, one experiences a feeling of losing control, which relieves their burden when they believe in supernatural power and surrenders during anxiety."

"The tendency to believe in tangible entities is one of the weaknesses of human beings"

Stating that thanks to one's faith, one can console oneself against one's fears and find answers to one's search for meaning, Tarhan expressed that "To cope with the sense of danger a person feels in the face of uncertainty, humans seek meaning and fights against unconsciousness with the desire to believe in a divine omnipotence. The tendency to believe in concrete entities is one of the weaknesses of the human being. Consciousness tries to explain everything and interprets the issues that cannot be explained with the need to connect to a power outside itself in search of meaning. This need leads people to believe that, thanks to their faith, they can console themselves against their fears and find answers to their search for meaning."

Multiple topics covered

In his article, Tarhan conveyed important remarks under the titles of 'Wisdom in the Crisis of Existence', 'Neurodevelopment of Moral Reasoning', 'Spinoza's Fallacy', 'The Relationship between Spirituality and Health', 'Ways of Searching for Meaning', 'Fallacies of Wisdom and Solutions'.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)