Prof. Nazife Güngör: "Realistic goal for the right choice"

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Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör made suggestions to help university candidates in the selection process this week in her weekly articles in 12 Punto. Here is Güngör's article titled 'Realistic goal for the right choice':

The exciting wait has come to an end with the announcement of the University entrance exam results. However, this time, the excitement of choice began. Fairs for university promotion are crowded. It is the same rush on university campuses. On the one hand, the programs corresponding to the score obtained are listed, and on the other hand, the list of programs and departments that the candidate wants to study is prepared.

To what extent does it match up with reality and fantasy? Candidates and families are looking for the answer to this question. However, it is very difficult. There are dozens of factors that will affect the coincidence or conflict of realities and dreams. Of course, it is ideal to enter the targeted program with the score obtained. However, it is not easy at all. The main reason for this is that, especially in our society, certain professions are fixated in the field of respectability; thus, candidates mostly turn to those professions.

Since fields such as medicine, engineering and law have always maintained their place in this respectable field, families set limited goals for their children in these professions from an early age and try to raise the child accordingly. The fact that the general goal in society is on the same route causes the race to be challenging.

However, all professions, all fields of work, and all types of work are valuable and respected. The important thing is to produce, and to contribute. No matter what professional field, job, or business environment a person works in, if one does their job properly, if one does it with sincere desire, energy and enthusiasm, a person will both do a good job and achieve personal satisfaction. This is the satisfaction and pleasure of contributing to the world and life in which it lives, adding value. Therefore, to be happy, it is not necessary to have professions that are fixated in a certain area of respectability in society. It is much more important to have a profession and to achieve the necessary success in it. Respectability, importance, and value do not arise from any profession or job itself; however, it is due to the way the profession is done. Studying medicine does not mean that we will become a good physician. If we cannot be a good physician, we cannot be respected by society. An auto mechanic who does their job very well can also be defined as a respected professional person. Therefore, one is satisfied in their job and can experience the pleasure of production.

Therefore, the hundreds of thousands of candidates accumulating at the university gates do not need to focus on certain professions, certain fields and departments. It is useful for them to think broadly. There is definitely a program where they can be placed according to each score. The number of universities, departments and programs in Türkiye is at a level to meet the demand. As long as our young people set their goals correctly and make the right choices.

Of course, it is much easier for those who score high to achieve their goals. Those who do not get the score they expect do not need to despair or be unhappy. It is very important to keep the target wide instead of fixing it to certain professions, to increase the options, and to be interested in areas that have never come to mind before. Especially, some of the candidates with low scores wait instead of entering a suitable program under the name of leaving them to graduate. However, it is much more realistic to start somewhere as soon as possible to reach the goal. My experience and my observations show that waiting often does not work. Very few of those who wait are able to achieve the target score in the next exam. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the vast majority. That is why I think it is best to start as soon as possible.

Instead of focusing on certain professional areas, and therefore on certain departments and programs, let's increase our options. I recommend candidates who do not get the score to be placed in their targeted undergraduate programs to look at their associate degree programs. Both in the world and in Türkiye, the need for intermediate staff is very high in almost all sectors. For instance, it would be much more realistic for candidates, who aim for computer engineering but do not get the required score, to be placed in an associate degree program that provides computer technician education, and starting from there, they can both take part in production and reach their engineering goal in the future. In the same way, why not for the candidate who aims for medicine but does not get the required score to enter one of the health-oriented undergraduate programs such as nursing and midwifery and start as soon as possible and continue their education in the direction of medicine if they want in the future. It would be much more realistic for the candidate who wants to work in the health sector but does not get the required score to enter the relevant undergraduate programs to start the process by entering one of the associate degree programs in the field of health, and then continue the undergraduate program they want with vertical transfer.

The important thing is to start somewhere, as soon as possible. Associate degree programs are very suitable, especially for candidates with low scores. There are a lot of associate degree programs. With so many program options to cover all industries, and there is no need to wait.

In a changing world, development and diversification are very fast, needs and demands are diversified as much as possible, and the rhythm of life is accelerating. There is not much room to wait, postpone and make long-term plans. Choices should be made correctly and quickly, and they should be started as soon as possible. Let's not forget that if the goals are set realistically, it will be easy to achieve. Instead of waiting for our dreams, it is best to keep the goals realistic and realize them as soon as possible. We will always have time to dream, but there is no need to narrow down the time to achieve goals.

The faster we take the path to the goal, the sooner we will reach the ideals.

Let’s not forget this.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)