The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers a wide range of career opportunities!

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Within the body of Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, undergraduate programs are provided in 8 departments that are Philosophy, English Translation and Interpreting, Psychology (English-Turkish), Sociology, Political Science and International Relations (English-Turkish), and History.

Noting that the faculty aims to contribute to national and international studies and produce science based on science with a contemporary and critical perspective and depending on human and ethical values, Vice Dean Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat stated that "In addition to scientific studies in the theoretical field, a unique science and application environment will continue to be provided with the application opportunities offered to students."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Vice Dean Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat informed about the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and its education and made evaluations about why the candidates chose it.

Within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, undergraduate programs are provided in 8 departments

Noting that the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FESS) offers its students a contemporary level of education, Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat stated that “FESS aims to graduate its students as well-equipped and entrepreneurial individuals who have analytical thinking in their fields of expertise, have advanced application and research skills, and can take part in international platforms. Within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, undergraduate programs are provided in 8 departments that are Philosophy, English Translation and Interpreting, Psychology, Psychology (English), Sociology, Political Science and International Relations, Political Science and International Relations (English), History."

Future goals and vision of the faculty

Noting that the faculty aims to contribute to national and international studies and produce science based on scientificity with a contemporary and critical perspective and depending on human and ethical values, Dr. Anarat stated that "In addition to scientific studies in the theoretical field, a unique science and application environment will continue to be provided with the application opportunities offered to students."

Individuals who are familiar with world and Turkish affairs are targeted

Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat gave the following information about the departments and why students should choose these departments: "In the philosophy department, skills such as questioning, critical thinking, analysis and self-knowledge are acquired. Graduates can work in areas such as guidance counseling in education and health institutions, research assistants in universities, philosophical consultancy, media and publishing. The Department of English Translation and Interpreting aims to raise students with the equipment and competence to translate effectively between English and Turkish. Clinical experiences following academic education in the Department of Psychology strengthen the ability to dynamically apply the acquired knowledge. In the Department of Political Science and International Relations, it is aimed to train individuals who have a good command of world and Turkish affairs, have knowledge of foreign languages, and can think analytically. The Department of Sociology, on the other hand, aims to produce graduates who will contribute to the healthy course of social life and who can analyze events and phenomena from a critical perspective. In the history department, it is aimed to train historians who aim to reach objective knowledge of the past."

Why Psychology?

Informing about the Department of Psychology, Assist. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat stated that the department offers rich career opportunities to its students and provides them with the opportunity to specialize in different fields. Noting that the reasons for choosing the department are the rich academic staff specializing in different fields of psychology, the master's and doctorate programs in the field of psychology within the university, and the opportunity for internship in NPİSTANBUL Hospital and polyclinics, Anarak also explained that there is experience in neuroscience and positive psychology application laboratories, wide range and minor opportunities and a wide pool of elective courses.

Career paths in psychology

Stating that psychology graduates have a wide range of work in the public and private sectors, Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat expressed that "They can specialize in various sub-branches by doing a master's degree. Psychologists can work in hospitals, polyclinics, mental health centers, rehabilitation centers, family health centers, courthouses, prisons, non-governmental organizations, kindergartens, human resources departments of companies, the advertising industry, sports teams and schools. They are also employed in various ministries such as the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, and the Ministry of Interior. In addition, they have the opportunity to conduct their academic research in universities and institutes."

Political Science and International Relations Program

Explaining that the Department of Political Science and International Relations provides students with an interdisciplinary perspective and the ability to relate theoretical knowledge to practical events, Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat stated that "Political Science and International Relations is a field of science that examines power relations and focuses on the analysis of political, economic and socio-cultural relations between states and other global actors. The origins and repercussions of political, economic and socio-cultural developments in the global and national framework are discussed, and new areas such as political psychology, neuro-politics and biopolitics are examined. Topics such as the international system, the functioning of law and organizations, security issues, terrorism, war, peace, conflict resolution and mediation are covered."

Graduates can take on important roles in many sectors

Stating that graduates can work in foreign policy and diplomacy, administrative judiciary, public institutions and organizations, private companies, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, research centers, media and research companies. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat also stated that graduates of these departments can play important roles in many sectors thanks to their interdisciplinary knowledge.

Why the philosophy department?

Stating that the philosophy department provides skills such as critical thinking, analysis and self-knowledge, Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat noted that the department offers courses such as Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, New Age Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophical Movements, Introduction to Philosophy, Critical Thinking, Logic, Philosophy of Knowledge, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Being, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Art, World Problems and Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy, Bioethics, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy and Gender, Philosophy and Identity, Literature and Philosophy, Cinema and Philosophy.

Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat said that graduates can become academicians in universities by doing master's and doctorate, as well as teaching philosophy groups in high schools, guidance teachers and educational counselors in educational institutions, philosophical consultancy in various companies, editors, authors, critics and advertisers in media organs and publishing houses.

The Department of History offers an innovative educational program

Stating that the Department of History at Üsküdar University also offers an innovative education program that aims to provide students with a broad and in-depth knowledge of history, Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat explained that the department, which includes courses such as Ottoman and Turkish history, European history, and world history, also brings together courses that develop basic skills such as historical methodology, archival studies, historical analysis and critical thinking. Stating that their graduates have a wide range of career opportunities such as teaching, research, archiving, museology, editing, diplomacy, journalism, and working in publishing houses, Dr. Anarat said that "Our vision is for our students to become leaders who will make a difference in the field of history or other fields after graduation."

The Department of Sociology is based on an interdisciplinary holistic perspective

Pointing out that the sociology department improves the ability to understand, interpret and produce solutions to social events, Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat also stated that graduates can work in public institutions, non-governmental organizations, municipalities and research companies, and pursue teaching and academic careers.

Noting that the Department of Sociology at Üsküdar University is based on an interdisciplinary holistic perspective, Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat stated that "Elective courses such as sociology of gender, sociology of education, theories of culture, sociology of art, everyday life and cinema, sociology of the disabled, and political sociology enable students to focus on current sociological issues. In addition to the basic sociology courses, the curriculum also includes the courses required for the formation of philosophy group teachers as elective courses. Students who want to take pedagogical formation can take formation courses integrated into the sociology curriculum."

The Department of English Translation and Interpreting also offers further education in Spanish, German and Russian

Stating that the English translation and interpreting department improves students' theoretical and practical translation skills and provides them with the knowledge and skills to translate in different fields such as medicine, law, economics and literature. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat said that "We prepare our students better for the sector by offering advanced education in languages such as Spanish, German and Russian in addition to English. Moreover, our students with high academic success can apply for minor and double major education in the departments of Psychology, Political Science and International Relations, Sociology, History and many departments of the Faculty of Communication such as Journalism, Radio, Television and Cinema, Advertising, and graduate with a double diploma or minor certificate."

Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat explained that students who wish can expand their fields of study by taking some important courses of English Language Teaching departments as elective courses and that they can step into the English teaching profession when they graduate or during their student years.

Scholarship Opportunities

Stating that Üsküdar University offers a wide range of scholarship opportunities to students, Asst. Prof. Elif Kurtuluş Anarat stated that in addition to ÖSYM scholarships and discounts, there are also opportunities such as the first 5 preference scholarships, sibling scholarships, Science and Ideas Festival scholarships, and TÜBİTAK scholarships.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)