Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Choosing a profession should not be only according to earning money and living comfortably!"

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Official preferences in YKS started today. President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan evaluated the issue of choosing the right choice and profession and gave advice to young university candidates in the process of choosing a profession.

Tarhan stated that “There are two critical decisions in human life: one is the choice of profession, and the other is the choice of spouse. In both of these decisions, we say keep your eyes open before making a choice and open your eyes half after you make a choice."

On how young people should make the decision, Prof. Tarhan stated that "The choice of profession should be made not only to earn money and have a good status, but also to make the best use of one's capacity and abilities. Instead of choosing a profession in line with populist approaches or the expectations of others, it is important to consider one's own interests and talents."


President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan discussed the issue of making the right choice and profession with the start of the 2024 YKS official preference procedures.

Young people have entered the period of making one of the most important decisions in their lives

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that young people are currently entering the period of making one of the most important decisions in their lives, which is the choice of profession, and that this decision will determine their future and therefore it is quite natural for them to be excited.

Tarhan stated that "There are two critical decisions in human life: one is the choice of profession, and the other is the choice of spouse. In both decisions, we say keep your eyes open before making a choice and open your eyes half after making a choice. Because after the decision is made, constantly questioning affects the peace. That's why they need to think well in advance.” Tarha explained that during the preference period, guides and consultants help and provide guidance that will enable the right choices to be made according to the scores and one’s wishes.

3 main criteria for choosing a profession!

Stating that there are also preference robots, Prof. Tarhan said, "These automatically help. However, first of all, the person needs to know what he wants. According to the studies, young people attach the most importance to three main criteria in choosing a profession: 'they should have a good income, bring happiness and be comfortable'. In a study conducted in Malatya in 2018, it was seen that these criteria came to the fore on nearly a thousand students. These results give us thought-provoking information. Choosing a profession should not be made only to earn money and live comfortably. At the same time, it should enable the person to make the best use of their capacity and self-actualization. Unfortunately, short-term thinking and the search for comfort in general have become widespread in the world. The rise of the entertainment industry may be a result of this. There are also young people who have clear goals, who have ideals, who know very well what they want; however, they are in the minority."

Young people with strong family bonds are lucky...

Stating that youth is a period in which emotions are dominant rather than reason, Prof. Tarhan said that "Adolescence actually lasts until the age of 22, not only until the age of 18. During this period, emotions and feelings predominate; therefore, it is normal for young people that take the easy way out. In such cases, young people can make the right decisions more easily if there is good social and family support. Parents should support their children to do the right things, not just what they want. Young people with strong family bonds are more fortunate in this regard. However, some parents blunt their children's own decision-making skills by telling them which profession is suitable. This is also a wrong approach. Young people should be allowed to discover their own desires and truths. Parents should allow and guide their children to make their own decisions."

The final decision is in the hands of young people...

On how young people should make the decision, Prof. Tarhan stated that "Young people should make the final decision themselves with the information they will receive from their families, schools, teachers and preference counselors. It is the young people themselves who will bear the responsibility and burden of this decision. However, parents also have a duty to warn. Parents can help by explaining what subjects their children are prone to and the reasons for the profession they want. They should leave the final decision to their children and respect their free will."

Forcing you to do something does not work

Stating that even if it is a wrong decision, young people will learn from this experience and will be ready to pay the price when necessary, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "Forcing something to do is often useless and reduces the child's motivation. For this reason, parents should provide all the reasons to get young people to think. Although young people oppose their parents at first, they often accept these warnings when they think calmly. The warning duty of the parents is very important here. Coercive and imperious approaches can spoil relationships. Because there are no other mothers and fathers, and these relationships are more important than the choice of profession.”

The biggest mistake of parents is to decide on behalf of their children!

Referring to the mistakes made by parents, Prof. Tarhan stated that "The biggest mistake parents make is to make decisions for their children. Parents who exhibit an overly controlling and intrusive attitude by making choices on their behalf suppress their children's free will. This can cause children to question and sometimes protest their own lives and decisions."

Noting that excessive love and discipline can blunt children's ability to make their own decisions, Prof. Tarhan stated that "For this reason, parents should guide their children by persuading them and getting their opinions. The profession is not only about earning money and having a good status; however, it is important to see how to use their capacity, talents and potential in the best way and to succeed."

Career tests help in choosing a profession...

Pointing out the importance of young people recognizing their own potential in choosing a profession, Prof. Tarhan stated that "There are many career tests that we use at the university, which can help in this regard. For example, tests such as the Holland Core Career Test determine what personality type a person is in, whether they think socially, logically, or artistically. In this way, the person gets to know himself and chooses a profession according to his strengths and weaknesses. In choosing a profession, it is necessary to know oneself, determine the areas that one likes and can be successful. The choice of profession should be made not only to earn money and have a good status, but also to be able to make the best use of one's capacity and abilities. Instead of choosing a profession in line with populist approaches or the expectations of others, it is important to consider one's own interests and abilities. In choosing a profession, the person should also take into account the standard of living and whether they can do their job with love."

"Choose professions that match your interests, not popular and acclaimed professions!"

Stating that one-third of a person's life is spent in his profession, therefore, it is very important for the person to be satisfied and happy in this process, Prof. Tarhan said that "Instead of popular or applauded professions, one should choose professions that are suitable for their talents and interests. Self-realization and transcendence are important criteria in choosing a profession."

There are professions in which people who love to do good to others can succeed

Explaining that the Indian billionaire said that he was not happy despite great success and that he found real happiness by helping the disabled, Prof. Tarhan stated that "This story emphasizes the importance of helping others and providing social benefit. Especially in social spheres, there are professions in which people who like to do good to others can be successful. Professions such as medicine, child development, and military service require sacrifice and dedication. These professions are suitable for people who want to help others and contribute to society. If selfish people choose this profession, they will not be able to do it. Because they are professions that require sacrifice. You are going to give up your night's sleep."

Personality traits are important in choosing a profession!

Emphasizing that the personality traits of the person are of great importance in choosing a profession, Prof. Tarhan stated that “Are you helpful? Are you a perfectionist? Are you a reformist? Are you a challenger leader? Are you exploratory? Are you a person who questions life and is inquisitive? These characteristics of the person are important for the department and university to be chosen. For example, if you have a researcher personality, you should choose a department and university where you can deepen in the field of research. Universities are ecosystems, and it is also important that the vision of the university is open to new experiences and innovative ideas, that it is project-oriented and that it supports a culture for self-development."

The old understanding of doing science for science's sake

Noting that the university teaches not only profession but also culture, Prof. Tarhan concluded his remarks as follows: "Universities have four important functions. The first is to acquire a profession. Secondly, it is to encourage research and development (R&D). The third is to inform the community and ensure that science is done for the community. And the fourth is the industrialization of knowledge and its transformation into production. If the vision of the university is strong in these four areas, students can succeed both in their professions and in life. Each university has certain strong areas, and it is also important to choose universities that are specialized and successful in these areas. The 21st century skill is the goal set for universities by the United Nations. In other words, the understanding of doing science for science's sake is the old understanding. Science is done for society. Thus, it is important to industrialize knowledge, to transform knowledge into production. It is important to inform the public. Since the university is an ecosystem, it is important to enter that ecosystem. Our university is not for diplomas. Nor is the university for professional, academic, achievement... It is important for life success. There should be a university environment that can teach philosophy of life, social and emotional skills. City universities are more advantageous in this regard."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)