Üsküdar University students follow the trace of cancer

Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics 4th grade student Orhun Karakuş who conducted his study “Investigation of the Possible Effects of CD27 General Polymorphism in Gastric Cancer” and presented as a poster at the 7th International Molecular Medicine Congress.

Karakuş’s study was carried out in collaboration with İstanbul University Faculty of Medicine Aziz Sancar Experimental Medicine Research Institute Molecular Medicine Department and Üsküdar University.

The study was also supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK 2209 A).

“Gastric cancer patients were included in the study”

In this study, polymorphism studies were carried out to investigate the effects of genetic polymorphism and CD27 gene mutations on gastric cancer, which facilitates the diagnosis of diseases caused by genes and enable them to be diagnosed..

rs2267966 that is one of the CD27 SNPs, was investigated for the first time in gastric cancer patients in the world and in the Turkish population. In this study, 67 gastric cancer patients (22 female and 45 male) who were diagnosed by İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Thoracic Surgery Department were examined..

A total of 103 healthy volunteers (49 females and 54 males) were included in the study as the control group.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)