Educational material support from Üsküdar to Malatya...

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Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services (VSHS) Child Development Program and Child Protection and Care Services Program opened the 'Exhibition of Educational Materials to be sent to the Earthquake Zone and Prepared within the Scope of Courses’. The works exhibited in the lobby of Üsküdar University Çarşı Campus attracted great attention. Preschool education materials were designed for the exhibition, which includes different and remarkable works. After the designed educational materials were exhibited, they were sent to Malatya Yeşilyurt Şehit Orhan Göz Kindergarten and other schools in need.

The 'Exhibition of Educational Materials to be sent to the Earthquake Zone and Prepared within the Scope of Courses’ was visited with interest in the lobby of Üsküdar University Çarşı Campus.

Organized to provide educational material support

After the earthquake disaster, an exhibition was organized by Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services (VSHS) Child Development Program and Child Protection and Care Services Program to provide educational material support to preschool education institutions in need in the earthquake zone.

Attention-grabbing materials were appreciated

The exhibition was organized by the Head of the Child Development Program of the Vocational School of Health Services (VSHS) Instructor Müge Çolakoğlu Özer and Head of Child Protection and Care Services Program at Vocational School of Health Services (VSHS) Instructor Ezgi Tesir and Child Development Program Instructor Ezgi Ercihan under the leadership of Instructor Kudret Deniz Kalaycı. The exhibition, which drew attention to the preschool education materials prepared within the scope of the Spring Semester lessons, was appreciated.

Materials were sent to Malatya Yeşilyurt Şehit Orhan Göz Kindergarten

After the designed educational materials were exhibited, they were sent to Malatya Yeşilyurt Şehit Orhan Göz Kindergarten and other schools in need.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)