How to make the right choice for a successful professional life?

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Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör made suggestions to help young university candidates in the career selection process and expressed that "To make the right choice, young people should first analyze their own wishes, ideals and dreams very well."

Noting that candidates should definitely visit the university campuses in their preference targets, Prof. Nazife Güngör stated that "They should meet and talk to the teaching staff of the university, department and program, see and examine the location and physics facilities of the university."

Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör made suggestions to help young university candidates in the process of choosing a profession.

Now it is time to decide...

Stating that choosing a university is one of the most difficult decisions of their lives for young individuals, Prof. Nazife Güngör said that "Young individuals who are being prepared for the university exam with an intense work tempo, starting from primary school, took the exam and got their scores. Now is the moment of decision. Which university, which department, which program? They have a long life ahead of them, and now it is time to decide how to plan it, and how to live it. It is not easy at all. On the one hand, there are professions that have been imposed on them by their families for years, and on the other hand, they have their own wishes, ideals, dreams, talents and tastes. The expectations and guidance of the social environment they are in are also an important factor in the decision process. Of course, there is also the course of the world. The progression of the world we live in, needs, orientations, change, development... Therefore, it is hard to decide.”

It is very important to know oneself in choosing a profession

Suggesting that young university candidates should make the most accurate choice of university, department and program, Prof. Nazife Güngör stated that "For the right choice, young people must first analyze their own wishes, ideals and dreams very well. Let them think very well. Wishes, dreams and ideals do not form all at once, they are formed and shaped on mental, affective, cognitive and spiritual grounds from childhood. For this reason, it is very important for individuals who have come to the stage of choosing a program and profession to carefully analyze their wishes, dreams, ideals and orientations that have formed, developed and changed over the years by making a journey towards their own past and childhood years. A journey into our own past is very important in terms of understanding and analyzing our talents, our tastes, what we want to do and what we do not want, our orientations, our goals for the future, and our expectations from life. Let's not forget that anyone can do any profession: however, it is not possible for everyone to achieve the same success in every profession. In the same way, everyone can work in any job, but the important thing is that the work we will do gives us pleasure and increases our life energy. Therefore, it is very important to analyze oneself and get to know oneself in choosing a university, department, program and profession."

The course of the world and expectations must be analyzed

Noting that it is important to analyze the course, needs and expectations of the world we live in for the right choice, Prof. Nazife Güngör stated that "The university, department or program we choose will carry us to the professional field where we will build our future. Therefore, the place of the profession we choose during the course of events in the world is important. The way to understand which professional fields will take us to the future with confidence is to analyze the development dynamics of our world and our country for the future very well. Evaluating the needs, problems, future projects and development goals of the world, country and society is important for the right choice."

Lifestyle also affects the preference process

Stating that the social environment in which the individual lives is also very effective in preference, Prof. Nazife Güngör said that "The social relations in which the individual is involved, their circle of friends, their school environment, their family environment, the social position they aim for themselves, and their lifestyle are the elements that are effectively involved in the choice process. Therefore, it is not possible for the individual to be insensitive to their social environment while choosing a university, department and program. We should consult the opinions of the people around us, listen to them, benefit from their experience and knowledge; however, at the moment of decision, we should still turn to our own wishes, goals, dreams and ideals. Rationally synthesizing our own wishes with the wishes of the social environment can lead young people to make the right choice."

Parents should not impose on the choice process

Pointing out that families are also decisive in the selection and decision phase, Prof. Nazife Güngör expressed that "It is a fact that every family seeks to raise a genius in its own way. Most of the time, parents tend to realize their own dreams, ideals and goals through the child. However, the child or young individual is neither exactly their mother nor their father. A person is a different, unique individual who has their own wishes, orientations, talents, goals, dreams. Therefore, parents can of course support the preference process, but this should never come to the point of imposition or coercion. In this respect, young individuals should empathize with their parents, analyze their expectations about their children, listen to their opinions and directions accordingly, respect them, and make decisions about their own lives with their own common sense."

Each person has their own unique abilities

Stating that it is important to evaluate the issue in detail with mutual persuasion without conflicting with the parents during the selection process, Prof. Nazife Güngör stated that "For example, it is not the right attitude to persistently direct a young person who is not interested in mathematics to engineering departments. Or directing an individual who does not have artistic talents to art will not benefit them but harm them. It should not be forgotten that each person has their own unique abilities, tendencies, orientations, dreams, expectations, and designs for life. Therefore, it is necessary to help individuals at the preference stage, to share experiences, but not to force them to certain preferences, more precisely, to preferences in the direction we want."

Make sure to visit the campuses of universities

Noting that candidates should definitely visit the university campuses in their university preference they target, Prof. Nazife Güngör concluded her remarks as follows: "They should meet and talk to the teaching staff of the university, department and program, see and examine the location and physics facilities of the university. Let's not forget that every touch of the horizon is the beginning of a new horizon."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)