Türkiye's important brand managers talked about 'Digitalization' in Üsküdar...

Üsküdar University IEEE Student Branch, Doğuş University IEEE Student Branch and IEEE Robotics & Automation Society held the 'RASTAGE 23' summit hosted by Üsküdar University. Robots that can be experienced by touching and seeing personally took place in the event, where digital transformation, digitalization, artificial intelligence technologies, the fourth phase of the industry and digitalized production technologies were discussed. While the participants had the opportunity to meet with the leading companies and managers in the booth areas, various raffles were also organized within the scope of the event.

Those who participated as a guest in the event held at Üsküdar University Central Campus Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall are as follows; Halıcı Group CEO Hüseyin Halıcı, OTOKAR Digital Transformation Manager Gürol Çokünlü, Mitsubishi Electric Product Management and Marketing Department Manager Tolga Bizel, MCS Group CEO Adem Kayar, Turkcell Global Special Technology and Infrastructure Unit Manager Tekin Altun. The opening speech of the event was delivered by Berkay Olcay, Head of the Robotics and Automation Club of Doğuş University IEEE Student Branch.

Hüseyin Halıcı: “The common point of all of them is digital transformation”

Halıcı Group CEO Hüseyin Halıcı pointed out the fact that the commercial use of technology has changed our way of life. Halıcı said, “It is not possible for people to know everything; however, the most important thing is to know something immediately and not be afraid of it. This is the most important issue in life. The commercial use of technology is changing the way we live. Mechanics, electricity and electronics were found. Using all of these, a new approach has emerged, which is a human-independent production method. We will have physical phenomena done by machines and systems by using technological advantages. We can work only with this purpose. Developed countries immediately came up with a new concept to reduce the influence of China and the Far East. We call it AET in America, the concept of Smart City in some of the Far East countries, the concept of Industry 4.0 invented by the Germans and the concept of society 5.0 developed by the Japanese… The common point of all of them is digital transformation.”.

 “Digital transformation is not an option for us, it is a necessity”

Stating that artificial intelligence will live with digital transformation and that we will turn into a structure we call a super-conscious society, Halıcı said; “Autonomous structures, that is, automated factories that can think for themselves under the leadership of Industry 4.0 differs from artificial intelligence in a way that artificial intelligence is to produce machines, algorithms and systems that can think like humans. On the other hand, Society 5.0 aims to use digital transformation in the life of the individual and to combine the virtual space called cyberspace with the real space. In the future, digital transformation will turn into a field where it is not only used for gaming, entertainment and informative purposes but also for public works. We can easily see how the change of society is proportional to the industry. Nowadays, we will live with artificial intelligence digital transformation and we will turn into a structure that we call a super-conscious society. You will already experience it. Digital transformation is not an option for us, it is a necessity. That's why we need to care about it and we need to look at it accordingly. We, both as a company and as a team, are doing and will continue to do such activities related to the adaptation of everyone, especially employees and students, to digital transformation to explain the importance of digitalization in the society.”.

Gürol Çokünlü: “We needed Industry 4.0 so that we could overcome inefficiencies”

“OTOKAR Digital Transformation Manager Gürol Çokünlü highlighted to the fact that currently there is an economy model based entirely on consumption. Çokünlü said, “Currently, there is an economy model based entirely on consumption. With these triggers, we started to experience the fourth industrial revolution. The demand for a personalized product, that is, while everyone used to buy the black car produced by Ford, now they want one of the vehicles in the same product line of OTOKAR to have yellow furnishing, one with a front panel, one with two doors and the other with three doors. We want to minimize our stock as much as possible and get the right part at the right time. We needed Industry 4.0 so that we could overcome these inefficiencies. If you try to follow them with the human mind, it is not possible to achieve that efficiency anyway. In order to achieve this, we use industry 4.0.”.

“Let us decide with digital transformation, let it do it for us”

Çökünlü said that as a manufacturing factory, all the links in the value chain should be talking to each other and added, “We needed digital transformation to ensure productivity, the flexibility that the customer wants, and the ability to do it with quality while producing a new vehicle every time. What does digital transformation give us? In fact, it is our ability to integrate all processes from whole sales to product delivery. As a manufacturing factory, all the links in the value chain should be talking to each other. In fact, we are trying to say, let us decide, let it do it for us with the digital transformation.”.

Tolga Bizel: “The purpose of all of them is personalized produ


Mitsubishi Electric Product Management and Marketing Department Manager Tolga Bizel drew attention to digitalized production technology. Bizel said, “We are talking about the fourth phase of the industry, digitalized production technology. The purpose of all of them is personalized production. The digital robot is created in the virtual world and used in projects. If I enter a knowledge contest against it, I will lose, however, if I enter an art contest with it, he loses and I win.”.

“The cut stone of the industrial phase is artificial intelligence technologies”

Bizel expressed that Mitsubishi Electric uses artificial intelligence technologies and that they are processed in three main sections and said, “Mitsubishi Electric has been producing solutions and products for the digital transformation of factories with the I – Factory concept since 2003. Production technologies will change in the Industry 4.0 phase. It is predicted that the transition to personalized production will become widespread. Mitsubishi Electric uses artificial intelligence technologies and processes them in three main sections. These are deep learning, reinforcement learning and analysis of big data. Artificial intelligence has reshaped with the developing computing power and it is now everywhere. This is the dramatic transformation of this industry phase. The combination of software technologies and mechanics provides opportunities to achieve legendary works. I think the cut stone of this industry phase is artificial intelligence technologies.”.

Adam Kayar: “Learn to dream and love it”

MCS Group CEO Adem Kayar made recommendations for the future to the participants. Kayar advised young people to be entrepreneurs and said “I recommend starting your own company. Everything is going digital now. The next age is the digital age. You were already born in this age. This is an advantage. We saw it later, but we dreamed it. I believe that 5-10 years from now, you can become very successful people known in the market. Look at the most famous people in the world, they are all about your age who started with a dream. So, learn to dream and love it. None of us is different from each other. If you aim for something, you will achieve it anyway if you want to.”.

“You are our future”

Bunları yaptıktan sonra başarıya ulaşmamanın mümkün olmadığına dikkat çeken Kayar, “Sizler bizim geleceğimizsiniz, sizin gibi gençlere bizler ne kadar çok bildiklerimizi paylaşabilirsek o kadar iyi. Hayat devam ediyor bir yaşam döngüsü var ben yaşlandığım zaman benim ihtiyaçlarımı hem sosyal anlamda hem de teknolojik anlamda. O organizasyonu şimdiden planlamamız lazım ki ben yaşlandığımda benim hayat standardım ve konforum devam edebilsin. Bu yüzden ‘Toplum 5.0’ diye bir kurum kurduk. Sizlerle birlikte olmak, yol göstermek ve bilgilerimizi paylaşmak için kurduk.” dedi.

Pointing out that it is not possible to fail after doing these things, Kayar said, “You are our future, the more we can share with young people like you, the better. Life goes on, there is a life cycle, when I get old, I meet my needs both socially and technologically. We need to plan that organization in advance so that my standard of living and comfort can continue when I get older. That's why we established an institution called "Society 5.0". We established it to be with you, to guide you and to share our knowledge.”

Tekin Altun: “IT has many opportunities regarding employment”

Within the scope of the event, Turkcell Global Special Technology and Infrastructure Unit Manager Tekin Altun gave information about the IT sector. Altun said, “If you are going to do a job in the IT sector, you can find a job very quickly. IT can be called as a fortunate industry in this sense. Thus, what are the most popular trainings in Türkiye? Introduction to programming about algorithm development CI and the basics of software Python, Java… Everyone is looking at the same things. Choose a sector, a field for yourself, look for a job on that subject, wait, find it.”.

“There are people I call and offer jobs before they finish school!”

Altun mentioned that a person cannot go anywhere without a goal and added, “Another important issue is LinkedIn. There are people I call and offer a job before they finish school. Fill your profile on this platform well. Improve yourself, fill out your CV, go to trainings, try to get certificates while you are still at school, the extra certificates you receive are an advantage and distinguishing features for you to be selected. Always plan for the future, if you do not have a goal, you cannot go anywhere. Do not stop your development process. Collect references and get them in writing. You should aim to work somewhere for 2-3 years, keep your career at this point, but be open to job opportunities.”.

The event, which attracted great interest from the participants, ended with a group photo shoot after the question-answer session.

Correspondent: Eda Nur Keçeci

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)