Japanese Academicians gathered with Prof. Nevzat Tarhan

Japanese academicians visited Üsküdar University within the scope of international cooperation meeting titled Comprehensive Study of Sufism: Through Metaphysics, Literature, Music and Rituals. The committee visited President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan in his office.

In the meeting where there was exchange of ideas, those who visited Prof. Nevzat Tarhan are as follows: Japan project manager Prof. Yasushi Tonaga from Kyoto University, Director of Institute for Sufi Studies Prof. Masayuki Akahori from Sofia University (Tokyo), Dr. Manami Suzuki from Kyoto University, Director of Sufi Studies Center Asst. Prof. Kenan Rifai from Asia and Africa Field Studies Institute.

Those who accompanied to the Japanese committee Director of Üsküdar University Institute for Sufi Studies, Türkiye Project Manager Prof. Elif Erhan and Üsküdar University Institute for Sufi Studies Faculty Members Prof. Emine Yeniterzi, Prof. Reşat Öngören, Asst. Prof. Cangüzel Güner Zülfikar, Asst. Prof. Dilek Güldütuna, Asst. Prof. Omneya Ayad and Asst. Prof. Arzu Eylül Yalçınkaya.

Prof.  Nevzat Tarhan: “The core is more important than the shell”

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan made remarks on the necessity to tell the essence of this age. Tarhan said: “Classic view thinks to go back to the past from today; however, this year the university approach stays in today and brings the past to today.  Today’s people synthesize the Sufism with today’s west mentality. In this age, we do not wear the cloths of Rumi but we can live in line with his thoughts, life style and morals. Meaning of Rumi is important to make the meaning of Sufi live. The core is more important than the shell. People do not have a walnut because of its shell but because of what it is inside.”.

“It is more professionally rewarding when you treated a patient that no one could before” 

Expressing that a psychiatrist always tries to choose the most challenging cases, Tarhan said: “Many children with rich parents apply to Rumi but Rumi always pays attention to those who are in the streets or known as rouge. They ask him ‘Why don’t you work with honest people, why do you always work with rouges and make an effort for them? ‘Then Rumi says: ‘It is more important to save a person in the swamp than helping a person living in the city to climb a tree. This is closer to sake of Allah.’. This is a story that has become an example for me. In my psychiatry experience, I always choose difficult cases. It is more professionally rewarding when you treated a patient that no one could before.”.

“The pandemic reminded us that we are guests in this world” 

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that what prevents people from wrong things is the accountability. Tarhan stated: “People of this age need this a lot. There is global increase in unhapiness and pscyhiatric cases. There is an increase of 25%. Cases of teenagers have increased a lot after the pandemic. The pandemic reminded us that we are guests in this world.  What protects a human from the wrong is the accountability. It protects us from the evil and the wrong. It protects for the sake of both your conscience and Allah.”.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan presented a plaquette to Japan Project manager Prof. Yasushi Tonaga and the visit which took about an hour, ended with mutual bestowing of gifts and with photo shoot.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)