Health departments stand out according to TUIK employment indicators…

2021 Higher Education Employment Indicators are announced by the TUIK. While Health and Welfare is the program that has the highest employment rate, and Child Development is in the top 10 programs with 94,3% employment rate. Moreover, Speech and Language Therapy stands out as an undergraduate program with its short period of time to be hired after graduation.

Health and Welfare has the highest employment rate

According to 2021 TUIK Higher Education employment indicators, when undergraduate program graduations are considered, the top 5 education and training fields that have the highest registered employment rate are as follows: health and welfare (82.7%), education (77.8%), engineering, civil engineering and manufacturing, information and communication technologies (76.7%); and natural sciences, mathematics, and statistics (72.3%).

Child Development department is also in the top 10 list with 94.3%

According to the data that TUIK announced, child development department is also in the top 10 list among the undergraduate programs that have the highest registered employment rate. With 94.3%, Child Development program is in the top 10 programs. Üsküdar University continues to contribute to its students with Child Development Department within the Faculty of Health Sciences and Vocational School of Health Services.

Engineering has the highest employment rate with 71.3% among associate’s degree programs

When associate’s degree programs are considered, Engineering takes place in the top 5 programs that have the highest registered employment rate with 71.3%. Programs within the Üsküdar University Engineering and Natural Sciences are as follows:  Forensic Sciences (Turkish) within the Üsküdar University, Computer Engineer (English), Bioengineering (English), Electrical-Electronics Engineering (English), Molecular Biology and Genetics (English) and Software Engineering (English).

With a 7.7-month period, health and welfare is the associate’s degree program that has the shortest time period of recruitment after graduation

The average recruitment time of under graduate students after graduation is estimated as 13.6 months while this period is estimated as averagely 14.8 months for the associate’s degree program students. With a 7.7-month period, health and welfare is the associate’s degree program that has the shortest time period of recruitment after graduation

Üsküdar University Health Sciences Faculty with its 13 departments and Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services with its 37 programs continue the education and training activities in the health sector to meet the need of the labor force in Türkiye.

Üsküdar University practice and science partner NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital and Etiler and Feneryolu medical centers within the hospital provide internship and recruitment opportunities for students who study in the health field.

When fields of undergraduate programs considered, the top 5 fields with the shortest period of recruitment are as follows: health and welfare (7.7 months), education (10.9 months), engineering, production and construction (11 months), information and communication technologies (11.6 months), and services (12.4 months.).

Speech and Language Therapy has the shortest recruitment time among the undergraduate programs 

The undergraduate programs have the shortest recruitment time is the Speech and Language Therapy program.  Top 5 departments with the shortest period of recruitment are as follows: speech and language therapy (2.4 months), security sciences (3 months), visually impaired individual education (3.4 months), mentally challenged individual education (3.7 months) and hearing-impaired individual education (3.8 months). A systematic education is provided in the Üsküdar University Health Sciences Faculty, the Department of Speech and Language Therapy undergraduate program for students to gain necessary vocational knowledge and skills.

Üsküdar University is the first thematic university in behavioral science and health field. Üsküdar University provides high level quality education with faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Health Sciences, Engineering and Natural sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Communication; Vocational School of Health, and institutes of Social Sciences, Science, Health Sciences, Addiction and Forensic Sciences and Sufi Studies in 5 different campuses.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)