Prof. Dr. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan: “Covid-19 revealed that the world is not a global village”

Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Üsküdar University Prof. Dr. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan made important evaluations regarding the reputation and trust of countries in the 5th Reputation Management Conference organized by the Reputation Institute. Drawing attention to the fact that the norms of the European Union did not work during the Covid-19 process, Arıboğan noted that it has figured out; that the world is not a global village.

“States do not trust each other”

At the begin of her speech via ZOOM, as she mentioned the relations of trust between the countries Prof. Dr. Arıboğan outed her expressions as; “Trust is not one of the prominent dynamics(?) used in international relations. Because states do not trust each other. Often, when the issue of trust is mentioned between countries, the result evolves into discussion. The issue of trust caused many theoretical discussions in the past. Idealists believe that this can be achieved. They believe that states can come together for common values. Trust, is one of the most important discussion topics between idealists and realists. ”

“Covid-19 revealed that the world is not a global village”.
Arıboğan stated that the issue of trust will be better understood in a crisis environment spoke like; “Trust is to believe that the other party will not harm you under any circumstances. A person can shield himself for a person in a crisis. But the important thing is that states can do it. In the Covid-19 process, we saw that the norms of the European Union did not work. It figured out that the world is not a global village. The residents of the village surrounded the walls of their own houses with walls. Everyone started to block against each other. In fact, we have realized that we were not the inhabitants of same village. ”

“Protecting the interests of the country should be the basic rationality”
Underlining that in the interstate order, the basic logic should always be to protect the interests of their own country, Arıboğan said; “Protecting the interests of the country should be the basic rationality. For example, the primary duty of the Turkish State governance, is to protect the interests of its own country. Unless the swords have power, the treaties are just words.”

“The spirit of time, determines the reputation of perception”
Arıboğan stated that the subject of reputation is not only about safety, enrolled her statements as; “As the spirit of time changes, the factors that make up the reputation are changing also. In general, democracy, the existence of norms etc. for a country's reputation are important. But when we look at the Covid-19 process, the country that will find the vaccine, will be the most reputable country that will survive this process with the least damage to health. The spirit of time, determines the reputation of perception. The conditions highlight them. Different factors affect the reputation. ”


Üsküdar Haber Ajansı (ÜHA)