Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Lack of stress makes the brain dull!"

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President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan met with university candidate students as part of the Science Workshop held at Maltepe Science High School. Tarhan, who made important evaluations at the 'Neurotechnology Committee', said that what motivates people the most is the goals of their dreams. Emphasizing that controllable stress is beneficial, Tarhan pointed out that lack of stress dulls the brain. Tarhan stated that "The best thing for the brain is to stay calm under stress."

Tarhan, who met with the students at Maltepe Science High School, received great interest by the high school students.

"Sensory integration method is used to strengthen weak areas"

Pointing out that children with autism are bullied by peers, President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that the infrastructure of the brain can be strengthened, and learning will accelerate with special training. Tarhan stated that "We first test all the skills of children with autism related to fine motor skills, gross motor skills, verbal skills, visual skills, touch skills, social and emotional-language skills. We find out which one is weak. Sensory integration method is used to strengthen their weak areas. That person is doing exercises related to that area. That is the gold standard treatment right now. While doing those skill studies, we also stimulate the brain. There is a helmet on one’s head, there are electrodes, this person studies it, it makes learning faster. Such as skill work, social skill, emotional skill, disassembly, fitting, placement, playing, talking, understanding that the other party is laughing. For example, these people are bullied by peers in the classroom. Everyone laughs, that person cannot. Everyone gets excited, but that person cannot get excited, and they become marginalized in the classroom... It becomes marginal because it is an outcast. Not in the hands of the child. One does not have fine motor skills, but for example, he is great at math. Such children are given special trainings, auditory memory treatments and visual memory treatments are applied to the trainings. Magnetic warnings are given. It strengthens the infrastructure in your brain, learning accelerates."

Is it an urban legend that 10-20 percent of the brain is being used?

Mentioning that memory skills can be fully used with the 'Six Faithful Keepers of Memory', Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "People use their brains everywhere. There are no limits in this regard. It is said that 10 percent of the brain is used 20 percent, they are urban legends. 5W1H is a method used by communicators. 'Who, what, where, when, why, how?' A Canadian psychologist who found it calls it the 'Six Faithful Keepers of Memory'. One has a network of who, what, where, how, why in their brain. When a person uses those six networks, they use every part of the brain. If you use all six, you do not remember whom, what, where, why, how. Your memory will be strengthened. In fact, the reason why memory is strong is to be able to use memory skills fully. Then it makes the whole brain use it. In other words, the frontal region of the brain is the region that makes a person human..."

"The best thing that works the brain is to stay calm under stress"

Emphasizing that controllable stress is beneficial, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan pointed out that lack of stress dulls the brain. Tarhan stated that "There is a feature of the brain that works as a use-or-lose rule. There are some wells that are opened as they draw water, and the human brain opens as they use it. Some people’s brain gets dull because they do not use their brain. In other words, since the human brain works with the rule of use or lose, the best thing that makes the brain work is to stay calm under stress. Do not be afraid of stress at all. Controllable stress is beneficial, it improves the brain. Lack of stress dulls the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to aspire to difficulty, to aspire to stress. Right now, there is a global pandemic, an epidemic of comfort. The epidemic of conformism makes the brain lazy. That is why staying calm under stress teaches everything very well. It is the thing that makes all the brain work best.”

"Using our brain is like managing the waves in our brain"

Stating that the waves produced by the brain are meaningful waves, Tarhan expressed that "Alpha waves are resting waves in the brain. In the resting state of the brain, the muscles are relaxed. When learning something, studying, focusing, beta waves immediately increase. Beta is the stress wave of the brain: however, the beta wave must increase in the anterior region of the brain. If it increases in the entire brain, then there is disease in every region of the brain. The waves produced by the brain are meaningful waves. For example, if alpha waves are high in the brain, they happen a lot in obsessive people, and in perfectionist people, they cannot relax themselves too much. That is why the beta theta ratio in the brain of those people is disrupted. In fact, using our brains is like managing the waves in our brains. There is a chemical message under the waves. There is a link between chemical conduction and electrical conduction. The chemical conduction is disturbed, the electrical conduction is disturbed. The electrical conduction is disturbed, and the chemical conduction is disrupted. The chemical stimulation triggers the electrical stimulation. The electrical impulse also travels to the whole brain."

This cycle is a quadruple chain...

Talking about the importance of saying no to distractors, Tarhan stated that "The most important motivation that activates the brain and moves people is need. For example, you felt the need to study; however, a distractor comes to you, a feeling comes to you and drives you not to study. Then you will say, 'Why do I need to study this class? What do I need?' when you feel that need, the brain can say no to distractors, temptations, and misguided in such situations. We even have a dependent card prepared for cigarette addiction. Do you want to quit smoking? I want... Why do you want it? For example, your breath has an odor, it damages your lungs. We prepare a three, five-item personalized card. When one feels like smoking a cigarette, the person looks at that card. They say, 'No, I do not smoke this, it is harmful to me, and I am not going to smoke.' It is a self-stopper. The ability to say no is emerging, and it is very important for you to be able to say no to distractors. It is important to be able to say no to misleading people to govern themselves. Thus, one will remember their purpose. Purpose creates need. Need makes you want to. Whoever wants to can also move themselves. This cycle is a quadruple chain. You will say, what is the purpose, what is my purpose. If there is a purpose, then the need arises. When there is a need, the desire is awakened. When the desire is awakened, there is self-activation. Motivation is building. That is why our biggest need is purpose."

"A person can use every part of their brain with a higher purpose"

Emphasizing that a person with a higher purpose uses every part of their brain, Tarhan said that "Anyone who has a purpose succeeds in this life. We will have higher goals. Not short, temporary goals. One uses every part of their brain with a higher purpose. A person who wants to use every part of their brain will load their brain with the ideal of a high ego. They will load the ego ideal for which one will labor, get tired, and suffer. The uploader is taking action by oneself. Therefore, people with a higher purpose can activate themselves. When we set higher purpose to what we do, it makes us more dynamic and energetic. What motivates people the most is the goals of their dreams. Thus, dreaming and the goals in dreams are what motivate people best. It is the greatest medicine for laziness. There is a laziness in all of us. We will work remembering our purpose. That's when we make a difference from other people. A person will embark on their own journey of inner discovery. One will embark on an inner journey and get to know and improve themselves..."

"Being able to work in the paradox of abundance is a different skill"

Pointing out that a smart person is a person who thinks in the medium and long term, Tarhan said that "People used to get mature in difficult times; however, now there is maturing in abundance. In fact, it is more difficult to mature in abundance. It is called the abundance paradox. The paradox that man's material well-being has increased, but happiness has not increased in parallel. Suicides have increased in the United States. Crime, violence and divorces have increased more. Material well-being is increasing, but happiness is also going down. This is the paradox of abundance. Abundance sometimes backfires. Being able to work in this paradox of abundance is a different skill. At the moment, modernism teaches us that 'If you are happy today, that is enough. Never mind, do not think ahead.' However, a smart person is a person who can think in the medium and long term. In fact, the smartest person thinks about the afterlife. Life is not limited to the life of the world! Long-term thinking is considered strategic thinking. You make the strategic roadmap and think accordingly. No one who thinks long-term will fall into the traps of today's pleasure. It does not fall into today's conformism. This is the secret law of psychology."

Those who love mathematics will win...

Explaining the importance of learning mathematics, building social and emotional skills, Prof. Tarhan stated that "Loving mathematics is good for the brain and Alzheimer's. Mathematics teaches the relationship between cause and effect. It teaches calculation, timing, sequencing. First the infrastructure of a city is built and then the superstructure. Mathematics builds infrastructure in the brain. Other aesthetics, music, art are built on this. It is very important to learn mathematics and build social and emotional skills on it. The more mathematics you solve, the wider the infrastructure of your brain, the better you will use your memory and intelligence. Mathematics already means software, nothing more. Mathematical engineering is equivalent to software engineering. That's why those who love mathematics will win..."

"Stop, think, act..."

Stating that the thing that makes people make the most mistakes is to say the first thing that comes to mind, Tarhan expressed that "We self-program our brains. If you go to bed believing that you will get up at 4 am, you will get up before the clock is set. If you say it will be okay whether I catch the plane or not, you will miss the plane, but if you go to bed with this belief, you will wake up before the clock, even you can wake up by one to four o’clock . When we do not program our brains, the brain goes on autopilot. If you are in control of the steering wheel, you will make fewer mistakes. You become more unused and uncontrolled. That is why the 'stop, think, act’ method is important here. Children cannot 'stop, think, act’. They do the first thing that comes to mind. They believe the last thing they hear. It is the thought pattern that makes the most mistakes. The correct thought pattern is 'Stop, think, act’. Stop, think, act. Stop, think, decide. Stop, think, speak. The thing that makes people make the most mistakes is saying the first thing that comes to mind. Some people pull out of their tongue whatever they pull. Therefore, whoever says whatever one wants must agree to hear everything one does not want. Saying whatever you want is not comfort, it is a nuisance."

"The person makes connections about what one believes in"

Drawing attention to the fact that thoughts should be confirmed, Tarhan said that "Our thinking becomes vital facts. Let's pay attention to erroneous thoughts, things we believe, these things can happen. The person makes connections about what one believes in. A person is perceiving about it. They take a position on it. One makes mistakes, but if they think based on evidence, one gives up on that mistake. Believing the first information that comes to your mind makes you make mistakes. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to confirm whether this is true. If we do not confirm and verify, we will make a mistake. We end up in situations where we regret it and then apologize. Therefore, be sure to stop, think and then decide. Stop, think, decide is the method of smart people."



Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)