Üsküdar University is ready for the preference period...

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.48427

After the first of the orientation program held at the Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall, the meeting was held at the NP Health Campus orientation program in the afternoon.

Prof. Nazife Güngör: "Candidates will be in perhaps the most difficult decision phase of their lives..."

Pointing out that candidate students will be in one of the most difficult decision stages of their lives during the preference period, Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör stated that "We are together again in a new preference promotion period. On July 16, the exam results were also announced. I hope we will get good results. Of course, it is a busy period, and we are going to spend a busy few week together. It is our most exciting period. Who will choose us? We will go through this process together. As a result, these students, candidates, will be in perhaps the most difficult decision phase of their lives. Therefore, at this decision stage, we must think in two dimensions. Of course, our professors, with whom we have been taking this process for years, are already experienced, but we are a constantly developing and growing university. So, we have to think in two ways."

Prof. Hikmet Koçak: "We need to evaluate their first impressions very well"

Underlining that the first impressions of prospective students are very important, Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak stated that "With the announcement of the scores they have been eagerly waiting for since primary school, both parents and students experience an exciting day, and we, as a university, are experiencing that day in the same way. As we come to the preference period, our students and parents follow and research on social media. They also come to universities to meet face-to-face with a certain idea. Of course, face-to-face contact and eye-to-eye contact are very important. 'Why are we here? Why should we choose Üsküdar University?' Why should prospective students choose Üsküdar University? Both students and parents... Of course, no matter how much they learn or see, they want to come and see it. As you know, the first impression is very important. The first impression to be taken when you meet the appearance of the university, its classrooms, its library, laboratories and its professor in the first place is very important. They will also change the lives of society, children and parents. There will be those who want to come and choose in some way, as well as those who are hesitant and will decide after they come and meet you here with us. Thus, we need to evaluate their first impressions very well."

Specialist Psychologist Consultant Ece Tözeniş: "We set out with the slogan 'The Pioneer of Change: Üsküdar'..."

Emphasizing that Üsküdar University is ready for the 'Preference and Promotion Days' with the announcement of the YKS results, Specialist Psychologist Consultant Ece Tözeniş stated that "In this period, we set out with the slogan ‘The Pioneer of Change: Üsküdar'. All our campuses are ready for preference days from now on. Everything is ready, and all our students are ready. We have enough students to support us on our campuses. Our preference advisors are here from today. As every year, we will have preference consultants to carry out the technical process related to preferences in all our campuses."

Information was given about scholarship rates...

Information about the scholarships was given by the Head of the Student Affairs Department, Cumhur Bakır. Bakır drew attention to the abundance of scholarship diversity. Bakır stated that detailed information about scholarships can be accessed from preference consultants and www.aday.uskudar.edu.tr.

Following the orientation, the Corporate Communications Department, the Financial Affairs Department, the International Relations Department, the Erasmus Office, the Foreign Language Preparatory School and the Health, Culture and Sports Department (HCS) informed the academic staff participating in the orientation within the scope of the 'Preference and Promotion Days'.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)