The book titled “Artificial Intelligence and Public Relations” was published!

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The book published by Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations Instructor Dr. Burak Çeber has a quality to be the first book in Türkiye that discusses artificial intelligence in the field of public relations.

The book "Artificial Intelligence and Public Relations: Usage Areas, Impact, Limits and Challenges" written by Dr. Burak Çeber hit the shelves with the Nobel Scientific Works label as the product of a long and meticulous study. The book covers the use of artificial intelligence applications in public relations. It touches upon its impact, limits and challenges, as well as in-depth interviews with public relations units and agencies.

Rethinking Public Relations in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence applications with innovative technology create new areas, norms and methods in the field of public relations and produce new solutions related to the field. With a new level of flexibility, adaptability and contextualization, these new technologies are transforming existing public relations practices. This transformation, which is experienced with the integration of artificial intelligence into the process, brings with it a new understanding of public relations. As the field of public relations is impacted by artificial intelligence technologies, it is seen that the application areas of public relations change and transform. Moreover, the job descriptions and roles of public relations specialists are also affected by this change-transformation.

While the author examines the use of artificial intelligence applications in public relations in two different frameworks as simple-repetitive tasks and strategic management of communication, he also includes controversial issues such as creativity, credibility, emotion, ethics, security, privacy, prejudice, and the takeover of professions, which are also closely related to public relations experts.

Artificial Intelligence and Human Collaboration

Today, artificial intelligence applications are more of a tool that supports specific tasks than comprehensive public relations tasks and processes. Most of the tasks performed with the use of artificial intelligence are carried out under the guidance and supervision of practitioners. At this stage, the issue that institutions and agencies should focus on is whether to focus on the advantages offered by artificial intelligence applications or the deficiencies of these systems. Considering the increasing use of artificial intelligence applications and their contribution to the field of public relations, it becomes clear that the main focus for institutions and agencies is how to adapt to artificial intelligence applications. Current developments show that success depends on the cooperation between human and artificial intelligence and the synergy that will arise from this cooperation.

Based on his interviews with industry professionals who incorporate artificial intelligence applications into their business processes, the author offers guiding suggestions to institutions and agencies to successfully benefit from artificial intelligence technologies, to understand the advantages and challenges offered by these technologies, and to take the right steps for the future. Burak Çeber's work examines the use of artificial intelligence applications as a tool in public relations from a broad perspective, together with its effects, limits and challenges, paving the way for cooperation between practitioners and artificial intelligence for a successful public relations strategy.