Artificial intelligence and robotics make human life easier, but...

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As the world watches the videos of the first humanoid robot that has been put into mass production, some concerns are also manifested in individuals. In today's world where artificial intelligence and robotics are advancing rapidly, experts emphasize the importance of balancing concerns and positive effects, and say that the correct and ethical management of these technologies can have consequences that will benefit society. Pointing out that artificial intelligence robots can facilitate human life in many areas from the health sector to education, from agriculture and production to the service sector, Software Engineer Asst. Prof. Murat Oğuz emphasized that the concern about job loss has increased with the spread of these technologies. Stating that the development of artificial intelligence and automation will bring with it the need for people to constantly learn new skills, Oğuz stated that "The threat of technological unemployment may create question marks about long-term employment perspectives."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Software Engineering Asst. Prof. Member Murat Oğuz explained the effects of artificial intelligence robots on people's worries and concerns about the future.

Addressing the root causes of these concerns in the context of job loss, skill change, and data privacy and security, Dr. Oğuz made the following remarks:

Digital skills instead of traditional skills...

"With the advancement of artificial intelligence and automation, automating routine and low-skilled work can lead to concern about job loss. For example, robots on the production line could replace factory workers, leading to higher unemployment rates. In the age of artificial intelligence, uncertainties can arise about what skills individuals should have. Traditional skills may need to be replaced by digital skills. This can cause people to make extra efforts to update their education. When artificial intelligence systems and robots process large amounts of data, the privacy and security of that data can be a concern. Data security is important, especially when considering the situations that require the protection of personal health information in the health sector."

Yeni istihdam alanlarının oluşmasına da olanak tanıyor

Yapay zekanın ilerlemesi ve robotların daha karmaşık görevleri üstlenmesinin endüstriyel dönüşüm, iş süreçlerinin iyileştirilmesi, yeni istihdam alanları gibi değişikliklere neden olabileceğini belirten Dr. Oğuz, “Yapay zeka ve robotların daha karmaşık görevleri üstlenmesi, üretim ve hizmet sektörlerinde endüstriyel dönüşüme yol açabilir. Otomasyon, verimliliği artırarak ürün ve hizmet kalitesini yükseltebilir. Yapay zeka veri analizi ve tahmin yetenekleri sayesinde iş süreçlerini daha verimli hale getirebilir. Örneğin, lojistik sektöründe rota optimizasyonu yaparak taşıma maliyetlerini düşürebilir. Yapay zeka ve robot teknolojilerinin gelişmesi yeni istihdam alanlarının oluşmasına da olanak tanır. Yapay zeka uzmanları, robot mühendisleri ve veri analistleri gibi pozisyonlar, geleceğin istihdam fırsatlarını şekillendirebilir.” dedi.

Surgical robots in healthcare

Referring to the positive aspects of artificial intelligence and robots, Dr. Oğuz said that "Artificial intelligence robots can facilitate human life in many areas from the health sector to education, from agriculture and production to the service sector. For example, in healthcare, surgical robots can accelerate patient recovery processes by performing delicate and demanding surgeries in a less invasive way."

Pointing out that the uncontrolled development of artificial intelligence and robots can lead to moral and security problems, Dr. Oğuz said: "For example, cyber-attacks or system failures can lead to serious consequences, if adequate measures are not taken to ensure the security of automation systems, in a world where automation is spreading rapidly."

Artificial intelligence also brings the need to learn new skills...

Dr. Oğuz also noted that artificial intelligence robots can help people focus on more strategic tasks by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks; however, the development of artificial intelligence and automation will bring with it the need for people to constantly learn new skills.

The threat of technological unemployment

Dr. Murat Oğuz pointed out that the concern about job loss has increased with the spread of these technologies and said: "The replacement of low-skilled and repetitive jobs with automation may increase the risk of unemployment. The threat of technological unemployment could raise questions about long-term employment prospects."

Stating that the progress of artificial intelligence and robot technology brings with positive effects, Dr. Oğuz said:

"Thanks to advances in the healthcare sector, it is becoming possible to diagnose and treat patients more quickly and accurately. AI-powered robots could enable surgical interventions to be performed more precisely and effectively. However, robots used in the agricultural sector can support food production by increasing productivity while at the same time helping to spread sustainable agricultural practices. Agricultural automation could be an important step towards providing healthy food to more people by increasing productivity."

This era shapes the future

Dr. Murat Oğuz emphasized the importance of balancing concerns and positive effects in a world where artificial intelligence and robot technology are advancing rapidly, and concluded his remarks as follows:

"Proper and ethical management of these technologies can have consequences for the benefit of society. People may need to adapt to these technologies and reshape their skill sets."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)