Women’s Success of Üsküdar was recognized in the international arena

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.37327

Üsküdar University was officially registered and entitled to be listed by the international ranking institution Times Higher Education (THE) with its research, Project and education activities carried out with the label Gender Equality. While the number of women personnel is increasing two times more within the last to years in Üsküdar University, the success of women academicians in research and project activities attracts attention with a success rate of 80.7%. Moreover, 70 percent of the students enrolled in the university in 2022 are female students.

"Üsküdar University ranks 29th in the 'Gender Equality' label"

With the systematic studies carried out in coordination with Üsküdar University Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2026, Üsküdar University was entitled to be listed in the 29th place among the universities in Türkiye in the "Overall Ranking" category under the "Gender Equality" label.

"Gender equality studies carried out at the University are being followed"

Üsküdar University ÜSÇÖZÜM Manager and Scale Development Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Aylin Tutgun Ünal systematically follows the gender equality studies carried out at the university with the 'Gender Equality Action Plan'. With the ÜUGEAP (Üsküdar University Gender Equality Action Plan), which was accepted and put into effect by the Üsküdar University Gender Equality Commission and the University Senate in 2022, gender equality studies between 2022-2026 are carried out within the scope of 6 goals. With the activities carried out in accordance with these goals, it is aimed to strengthen the employment of researchers and students in gender equality studies.

You can access the Action Plan from the homepage of our university.

"The participation rate of women researchers attracts attention with a rate of 80.7 percent"

The success of Üsküdar University women researchers in research and project activities is in the 80.7th percentile. Moreover, regular follow-up schedules and annual reports on the employment of women employees, their success in research and projects, the annual follow-up of the employment of women students at our university and the many opportunities provided to students (participation in research and projects, awards) are published on the Internet in accordance with the principle of transparency and open access.

"70 percent of the students enrolled in the university in 2022 are female students!"

According to the follow-up schedule for women's access to educational opportunities prepared in cooperation with Üsküdar University Solution-Oriented Women's Problems Application and Research Center (ÜSÇÖZÜM and administrative units), female students enrolled in Üsküdar University in 2022 attract attention with a rate of 70 percent. The proportion of female students graduating is the majority with a rate of 73 percent compared to male students.

You can access the follow-up schedule for the years 2021-2022 prepared for the employment of female students.

"The ratio of female researchers working at the university has doubled in the last two years"

According to the 2021-2022 follow-up report, the R&D activities of female researchers working at Üsküdar University have increased year by year, doubling in the last two years. The rate of female researchers employed as coordinators, researchers and consultants in social responsibility projects is 71.4%. Moreover, female researchers who file patent applications stand out with a rate of 84.2%.
Furthermore, the publications on gender equality and women's studies and participation in events for 2021-2022 can be accessed via the link to access the R&D activities report and the report on other activities, awards and grades:


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)