Üsküdar’s studies under the title of “Climate Action” were deemed successful

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.36891

Üsküdar University’s success in research and education activities was recognized once again by the international ranking institution Times Higher Education (THE). Being in the top 101 among the world rankings and in the top 2 in Türkiye rankings, Üsküdar University’s studies under the label “13- Climate Action” were deemed successful.

Arizona State University Rector Prof. Michael Crow who had a speech at “Times Higher Education – Global Sustainable Development Congress” held in Saudi Arabia, stated that universities are in the center of humanity’s inability to comprehend the dimension of the problems. Warning the universities that do not do the necessary curriculum changes, Crow underlined that the problems experiences today are due to the fact that precautions were not taken in a timely manner.

Prof. Crow: “Universities did not make the necessary changes in a timely manner for a sustainable world”

In his speech to the delegates, Crow said that sustainability is critical to the climate. Crow stated that "For a sustainable world, universities have not made the necessary changes to their curricula in a timely manner. However, it is still not too late, and universities can take heroic action to address the climate crisis and find solutions. We, as academicians, have made a great contribution to the designed environment and bear a large part of the responsibility for the fact that this built environment is not sustainable and increasingly disturb the natural environment.".

Moreover, Prof. Crow stated that everything has accelerated in the world, it has entered an incredibly challenging period and there are many things that higher education can do yet does not.

Prof. Özdemir: “We encourage projects on climate change”

It is important that Üsküdar University’s success was recognized under the label of “13- Climate Action” within this context. Üsküdar University Department of Philosophy Prof. İbrahim Özdemir expressed that as Üsküdar University, they are ready to share their success on this topic. Özdemir stated that: “We have not reached this goal easily. We know that an important point to respond to the problems and decrease these problems is to enable students to understand the problem in a holistic approach and to encourage them to carry out new projects and develop solutions. What makes us proud is that our studies were recognized by Times Higher Education. I thank you so much to those who have contribution.”.

Academic studies and projects developed by Üsküdar University with aim to create awareness on climate:

We have given courses to increase and create awareness on environment such as Technology Philosophy, Environment Sociology, Environment Ethics, Disasters and Trauma Psychology, Environment Sociology, Urban Sociology and İnternational Immigration Problem in the curriculum.

As Üsküdar University Environmental Ethics Platform, we continue to illuminate society with academic studies.

Our university has been taken place in the team that prepares “Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth”. We translated the covenant into Turkish languages. European Climate Foundation supported our Project.

The papers on the topic presented to scientific meeting were published as a book titled “İSLÂM ÇEVRE AHLÂKINDA “MİZAN” KAVRAMI Daha Yaşanabilir Bir Dünya Bırakmak” (“MIZAN” IN ISLAMIC ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS To Leave a more Livable World).


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)