Visit to Üsküdar University from the Union of International Universities

Visit to Üsküdar University from the Union of International Universities

Coordinated by the Union of International Universities, guests from many countries visited Üsküdar University's central campus and NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital.

The Vice-President Prof. Mehmet Zelka showed the University to the guests.

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The guests watched the corporate videos of Üsküdar University and NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital in the senate meeting room.

Prof. Mehmet Zelka expressed to about 40 guests how delighted the University was to have them as guests and informed about the University and its upcoming studies.

The Union of International Universities presented Prof. Zelka a present.

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After the meeting, the guests visited the NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital in Ümraniye.

The delegate, who had the opportunity to examine the hospital on site, received information from all the authorities of the hospital.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)