Prof. Tarhan: "With Quantum Entanglement, the dimension independent of time and space has been proven"

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President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan participated as speaker in the "4th Neuroscience Congress" organized by Biruni University Brain Research and Medical Students Society. Tarhan, who made remarkable statements about Quantum Entanglement within the framework of his presentation titled "Brain in the Digital Age", said that the independent aspect of the universe from time and space was proven with Quantum Entanglement.


"It is a very important step to see the new space of science as the brain"

Drawing attention to the importance of considering the new space of science as the 'brain' and conducting research on it, Tarhan said that the materialist understanding of science was left behind. Tarhan stated that "It is very important to focus on the brain and for the brain to be the new space of science. Organizing a congress on this issue is a very visionary approach. I also congratulate this initiative of Biruni University. While dealing with the brain dimension of human behavior, we realized that the human brain works biographically, that is, with quantum modeling. This new discovery will also bring important insights into the origins of human behavior. Well-being in the dimensions of human behavior is actually part of the positive immune system, this feeling of well-being. Let alone disease, even well-being has a brain connection. It relates to binding factors from cognitive neuroscience to positive psychology and hormones, and socio-cultural factors related to moral systems and history, philosophy, cultural sociological and evolution. A serious debate has now begun in science, and this debate is called; 'Post-Materialist Science Manifesto.' In 2014, those who carry out psychiatric studies at Columbia University and those who carry out studies in the scientific field. By revealing that materialism could not produce solutions to every problem of science, they made a post-materialist science debut. As Üsküdar University, we recently organized a meeting about this and talked about this manifesto and its future by holding meetings with the scientists who published the manifesto. We shared the results with the title 'Could it be that materialist science is outdated?' In this case, we can say that science is being rewritten.".

"With quantum entanglement, the dimension of the universe independent of time and space has been proven"

Stating that the independent aspect of human beings from time and space has been proven with Quantum Entanglement, Tarhan said: "Quantum Entanglement has been proven, meaning that there is a dimension that works independently of time. It turns out that the universe is not matter-based, but digital-based. We are governed by a higher mind and a superior society, and with our mathematical mind the existence of a community or higher transcendent power that we cannot see has begun to be discussed. It was here that in silico experiments began to appear, and theories of existence on the computer began to be rewritten. Different discoveries have arisen with the function of air waves, the functions of the electron-proton, and this is a separate area of discussion. In our professional practice, for example, the increase and decrease in beta and theta waves in an Alzheimer's disease are investigated. Cardiovascular disorders appear, and neural destruction to the brain occurs. These are biological indicators that exist in schizophrenia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and hyperactivity as well. In all of these, there are many changes from separate genetics to social cognition. We are now able to explain the cause of many diseases of unknown cause in medical practice and professional practice to patients with unknown causes and even biological evidence. Thanks to this biological evidence, we are seeing a huge increase in the recovery rate of patients.".

"We have a brain that talks to the whole universe"

Stating that the brain is a very special organ even though it occupies a very small place in the body, Tarhan said that the importance of the brain, which was expressed as a 'silent organ' in the past, has begun to be understood with recent discoveries. Tarhan expressed that "The brain is 2 percent of body weight; however, 15 percent of cardiac output goes to the brain. The brain uses about 20-25 percent of the oxygen and glucose that the body uses. This reveals that the brain is a very special organ. If there is a 1 percent decrease in oxygen in the air, there is a 12.5 percent loss of function in the brain. In the past, the brain was called the 'silent organ', it was not known how it worked, but now it is understood that 5 percent of the brain works with conscious activities and 95 percent with unconscious activities. The work of our heart, our body, works automatically, like system files on a computer, without realizing it. These activities began to be understood, that the brain was not a silent organ. Last year, three physicists were awarded the Nobel Prize for proving 'Quantum Entanglement'. Proving this is not only about physics, but it seems that it will lead to a situation like a rewriting of the philosophy of existence in human behavior. If our body is like a state, the human brain is like a government here. Every organ has a connection to the brain. Human brains are connected to the entire universe through mirror neurons, there are emotional mirror neurons as well as motor mirror neurons. These neurons work like the wireless internet, the connection to the universe somehow persists. The brain is not a closed loop, it works in an open loop, so it is connected to the whole universe. Something is like everything, everything is like something. The order in the universe reveals our new knowledge by thinking above the human mind, in the dimension of consciousness. The synaptic structures in the brain are a great piece of architecture, a great masterpiece and a work of art. We have a brain that talks to the whole universe, unaware of us.".

"With Quantum Entanglement, time will be able to work forward and backward"

Stating that with the discovery of quantum entanglement, new understandings will emerge in the philosophy of being, Tarhan pointed out that time can move backwards with new discoveries and that a travel forward in time can happen within possibilities. Tarhan said that "The metaverse has made us rethink the philosophy of being. Questioning existence, science fiction, digital games, and the universe have raised the question of whether there is a simulation or an unseen reality. It revealed new insights into the philosophy of religion about the philosophy of being, or the rewriting of the philosophy of religion, about which it was mathematical reality in monotheistic belief. According to quantum entanglement, 2 photons or 2 electrons speak 105,000 light-years in the universe, that is, two photons at a distance from one end of the Milky Way to the other, so photon telepathy. The question of how it can speak faster than the speed of light shows the existence of a universe completely outside of matter. What we call the past and the future both exist and do not exist. When all these things come together, Quantum entanglement emerges. It allows information to be shared at an infinite speed, and before this was proven, Einstein called such views "very scary." He was right about that, because Einsteinian physics is currently being rewritten. With the proof of quantum entanglement, quantum computers will redefine encryption and communication networks. Quantum computers will work very fast, so our mobile phone can be here and there at the same time. Here we will be able to run time backwards, we will be able to travel forward in possibilities. These are the areas of science that are likely to be brought about by quantum entanglement. There is a tremendous connectedness in our brains. This connectivity is thousands and millions of more powerful than what we are trying to do with a computer.".

"The materialist approach accepted the brain and mind as joint, Quantum Entanglement proved otherwise"

Stating that the discovery of Quantum Entanglement proved that the brain and mind are different from each other, Tarhan said that the time-independent part of the human is being as the 'soul'. Tarhan stated that "The materialist approach said that the brain and mind are the same thing. This is the classical scientific view, which assumed that reason is nothing but matter, and the philosophical idea that emerges from this materialist view is a reductionist idea. In other words, phenomena such as mind and consciousness were assumed to be explainable by the physical and chemical process that occurs in the neurology of our brains, however, the thesis that the holographic position replaces the materialist position is seen as a very strong thesis. There can be no flattened view of the world, and according to this view, all phenomena are first reduced to the dimension of matter and time and space. We have a brain dimension that is independent of time and space. In ancient knowledge this is called the soul, a conception of the universe independent of matter and time arose through quantum entanglement. We, also, have a soul part that is independent of time. That part is the soul. Our brain is a Quantum receiver that reverberates in a field called the mind. The field of the mind is connected with many areas. People who are about to die or have a stroke of the brain have different spiritual experiences. For example, a person says that they had a sudden enlightenment, they have an experience, and after they recover and share it. What these experiences are gives us clues about spirituality, it makes us rethink the conception of God. The concept of God must be re-explained through the synthesis of religion and science. If the universe is a design, first there is an ancient knowledge, then there is mathematics, calculus, geometry and energy in the universe. Then comes matter, biology, and within this hierarchy, various hormones are secreted in the human brain.".

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)