“Juvenile Justice” was discussed at the Social Work Seminar…

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.12637

The "Child, Justice and Social Work" seminar was held by the Vocational School of Health Services (VSHS). Moderated by Üsküdar University VSHS Child Protection and Care Services program head Instructor Ezgi Tesir, the seminar, in which Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Social Work Department Head Prof. İsmail Barış was a guest, was met with great interest by the students. Barış defined the concept of justice with a saying by Mevlana; “It is justice for something to be where it should be, it is injustice to be where it should not be.” In the seminar.

Prof. İsmail Barış: “Depriving children of their freedom is the last resort”

Emphasizing that children do not have the concept of halal-haram, right-wrong at the event held at the Emir Nebi Conference Hall, Prof. İsmail Barış emphasized that children have become symbols of love in the world. Barış said that “It is unfair to punish children and adults in the same manner for committing the same crime in the same category or for doing it together. Children do not have concepts of halal-haram and right-wrong. Depriving children of their freedom is the last resort.”.

“Our school counselors are not as successful as social workers in terms of vocational education”

Prof. İsmail Barış underlined the necessity of school social work practice. Barış stated that “There is a school social work application, however, it is not implemented. In 1984 or earlier, he writes a letter to Ankara Gazi High School of Social Services. I would like to point out that this high school still exists today. We want to carry out a social work practice for our Ankara Gazi High School students to prepare them for a better life and to learn about their personal rights. He writes a letter saying “Assign the appropriate people for this.”. There is still no reply, no respond to the letter. In terms of vocational education, our school counselors are not as successful as social workers in interpreting a child's guilt, sadness, happiness and failure. Social workers have a structure that examines not only the children themselves, but also the points that push the children to commit that crime or the points that may be the victims of that crime, even their friends at school, the family, even the pub where their father goes, the hospital where their mother works, and even the salary that comes into the house.”.

The seminar ended after the students' questions were answered.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)