Quality Accreditation Missions - Quality Commission

The authority, duties and responsibilities of our university in the establishment and operation of the Quality Assurance System of the Quality Commission are fulfilled within the scope of the provisions of Article 8, which regulates the title of the Quality Commission of the Higher Education Institution of Higher Education Quality Assurance Regulation. The Commission targets to carry out the quality assurance process by sharing work among the members and creating sub-commissions when needed.

The Quality Commission of Üsküdar University was first formed with the decision of the senate dated August 27, 2015 and numbered 2015/23, and subsequently new members were added and re-established with the decision of Senate dated 12 April 2016 and numbered 2016/12.

Quality Commission Members;

The President of the Commission is the President. When the President is absent, the Vice President chairs the Commission. As student representative, the student is elected as chairman of the council.

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Deans, Institute Directors
  • VSHS Director
  • General Secretary
  • Quality and Human Resources Director
  • Student Representative

Duties of the Quality Commission;

  • Establish the internal and external quality assurance system of the relevant institution in order to evaluate, monitor and improve the quality of educational, research and social contribution activities and administrative services in accordance with the strategic plan and objectives of the institution and within the framework of the procedures and principles determined by the Higher Education Quality Board and determine the indicators, make the program evaluation and the studies in this context senate; and present to the Board of Directors in institutions without a senate,
  • Prepare the internal evaluation report and the annual internal evaluation report containing the results of the institutional evaluation and improvement studies, submit to the board of directors the institutions which do not have a senate and share the approved annual internal evaluation report with the public on the official website of the institution,
  • Conduct necessary preparations for the institutional external evaluation program and inform internal and external stakeholders about the process,
  • Support the work of the Board during the external evaluation process.