Panic and fear harm the most during an earthquake!

The 7.4 magnitude earthquake in Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık caused great destruction. The earthquake caused loss of many lives, which was felt in a wide region, especially in Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Adıyaman, Malatya, Adana, Osmaniye, Hatay and Mersin at 04.17 in the morning. Emphasizing the importance of being calm in the event of an earthquake, experts state that instead of jumping out of the window or balcony, it is necessary to do the behavior of ‘drop, cover, hold on' next to a safe and large item in the event of an earthquake. OHS Specialist Dr. Nuri Bingöl emphasized that large items should be fixed and piercing and cutting tools should be kept in a closed space.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Deputy Dean OHS expert Asst. Prof.  Nuri Bingöl made assessments on what should be done and the precautions to be taken during the earthquake.

Furnitures must be fixed!

Emphasizing the importance of pre-earthquake preparation, Dr. Nuri Bingöl said that large items that could be knocked over by the earthquake should be fixed to the wall. Stating that items that can cause damage when falling, such as frames and shelves, should not be kept if it is possible, Dr. Nuri Bingöl reminded that if this is not possible to remove them, it is necessary to make sure that these items are well fixed.

It is dangerous to take the stairs and to use elevators!

Noting that there should be no panic in the event of an earthquake, Dr. Nuri Bingöl emphasized that it is very dangerous to try to escape, especially from the current place.

Expressing that the feeling of panic will cause people to behave in behaviors that they should not do, Dr. Nuri Bingöl said that “Jumping out of the window or balcony is much more dangerous than the act of ‘drop, cover, hold on' next to a safe large item by staying at home during the earthquake. One of the behaviors that should not be done is jumping from windows or balconies. Likewise, the most vulnerable parts of buildings to earthquakes are stairs, and these are the places where the risk of collapse is highest. Therefore, heading for the stairs, wanting to go out as soon as possible, and even attempting to use the elevators are among the most incorrect behaviors.”.

Being prepared for earthquakes improves chances of survival

Underlining once again to be calm in an earthquake, OHS expert Dr. Nuri Bingöl said that "We increase our chances of survival with the information we have obtained in our previous exercises and by being prepared for earthquakes.".

Stating that the earthquake is a moment of panic and that pre-earthquake exercises are important, OHS expert Dr. Nuri Bingöl said, “Earthquake exercises are very important to survive the earthquake without panic or to be less panicked. Just like the exercise held throughout Türkiye last year, many more exercises will be carried out both throughout our country basis, institutions and within the family, which will ensure the calm behavior at the time of the earthquake and automate the actions we need to do. Therefore, this will create an important factor for the earthquake.”.

Next to durable items, the "Drop-Cover-Hold on" movement should be performed

Emphasizing once again the importance of the "drop - cover- hold on" movements in the exercises, Dr. Nuri Bingöl said, “More importantly is where we will hold on while dropping and covering. For this reason, it is necessary to choose the side of durable large items where gaps can occur, which we call the triangle of life. Washing machines or dishwashers can be suitable durable objects.”.

Items that will create a life triangle are important!

Mentioning the precautions to be taken in rooms where children sleep, OHS expert Dr. Nuri Bingöl said that “All of these measures should be applied more sensitively in rooms where children are present. As much as possible, care should be taken to keep solid large items that can form a life triangle in these rooms by fixing them to the wall. Behavior change and awareness should be created for our children about what to do in case of an earthquake through continuous training and trials.”.

Piercing and cutting tools should be in closed spaces

OHS expert Dr. Nuri Bingöl said that keeping cutting and piercing tools in closed drawers not only to prevent damage during the earthquake, but also to prevent injuries in general, comes forth as a safe behavior during an earthquake as well.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)