The editor told the book ‘Ezber Bozan Hayat’

‘Ezber Bozan Hayat’ (A Life Breaking the Mold) was published from Timaş Publishing under the editorship of Dr. Tuğba Şimşek and Emre Şimşek, which presents a formula to sustain a successful and happy life to individual, society by being beyond a biography book. Emphasizing that every aspect of Tarhan’s life was opened sincerely to the reader, Editor Emre Şimşek said that they have received sincere, great and brave answers. Stating that the life of personalities who have reached a certain point in life is always wondered, Şimşek noted that each question to be asked to Tarhan is being spoken in families, at homes.  Şimşek also added that there many messages and advices that everybody who read the book can learn from. 

Şimşek: We had “sincere, excellent and brave responds”…

Dr. Tuğba Şimşek and Emre Şimşek's book consisting of biographical interviews has 9 chapters. In the book, which offers life formula for a successful and happy life beyond being a biography study, Prof. Tarhan's life experience in 70 years, his family, his education life, his university and military years, his journey to the country's first private psychiatric hospital and first thematic university are told in a sincere language and with photographs.

"The life of personalities who have reached a certain place in life, is wondered"

Emre Şimşek, one of the editors of the book ‘Ezber Bozan Hayat’, talked about the formation process of the book. In the book, every detail of the life of the scientist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who is followed fondly by our country and the world with his game-changing works, was collected into a book.

Şimşek said, "We were interviewing Nevzat Tarhan once a week within the scope of a program. During this interview, I was also asking questions about our professor’s life because a person wonders about the life of personalities who have transcended certain things in life and reached a certain place. For example, I was wondering what kind of difficulties Nevzat Tarhan had in his life if our topic that week was not being able to cope with difficulties and I wondered the question ‘How did he overcome these difficulties?’. Not only me, but I am sure the audience was wondering it, as well. These questions began to multiply. One day, we started to think, 'Will it be a book?'. I opened this idea to my wife. She was also very excited. Then, we decided to send a message to Nevzat Tarhan. When we received a positive response, we started interviews.".

“We have received sincere, great and brave answers”

Emre Şimşek stated that it is very exciting to listen to the history of Türkiye from a person who lived through those times, from a person who was influenced by those times and said "The most challenging thing for us in the biographical interviews was, of course, converting voice into text. It took us a long time. Obviously, the most exciting thing was to spend a few nice days with Nevzat Tarhan. To be honest, it was precious to be able to see every moment of it. He was very excited. It was so nice to share a day. Again, there were some questions we got from young people. We did not only share the questions in our own minds but also, we asked questions to young people. We got ideas like, 'What would you like us to ask Nevzat Tarhan?' and we got some very strange questions.

For example; 'Tea or Coffee? – Messi or Ronaldo?' or There were also such questions that they were very reasonable, logical and interesting such as 'How do you explain God to an atheist?’  We were wondering if we could ask these questions or if so, what kind of an answer we would get, but we received very sincere, genuine, very beautiful and courageous answers. That was quite exciting. I also find this important. We have also witnessed the recent history of Türkiye. It was very exciting to hear from him, from a person who lived through those times, from a person who was affected by those periods.".

“There are advices for everyone who read it”

Emre Şimşek said that the book 'Ezber Bozan Hayat' was a very original project that was a little different from its counterparts. Şimşek said, "Before the project started, of course, we had a plan. We were going to ask questions within the framework of a plan. We were going to ask these questions and a book was going to emerge within the framework of these questions, however, Nevzat Tarhan was so sincere and genuine that when dozens of teas and dozens of coffees accompanies this sincerity, our plan expanded a little. The conversation has become quite profound. Different topics followed each other. It has also become a little difficult to turn this conversation into a book. It is necessary to say this but we can say that it is a really enjoyable project. It contains not only the life and biography of Nevzat Tarhan but also messages that anyone who reads it can receive. There are advices. I also said that it is a book to read enjoyably. There are many points at which we can smile while reading. There are many points where we can go back to history, to the past. Thus, I can say that it is a unique project that is a little different from its counterparts.".

“Each question was asked within the family, at our home…”

Stating that every question asked during the writing phase of the book was discussed and debated within the family, Şimşek said, "I am a little bit practical. My wife, on the other hand, pays attention to details. She cares about what she does. In this respect, I think this work has been very valuable in terms of completing each other. We have done some work before. We had done some work, especially in the academic aspect, however, we had never taken part in such a comprehensive project together. It was also very valuable for us. Every interview, every question we asked was discussed and debated in the family, at our home. A comparison was also made with our own lives. Obviously, it was very valuable in this respect. Especially after listening to the family life of Nevzat Tarhan from him, the comments we made and the aspects we reflected on our own lives were also very productive and beautiful. I can say that it is not only a project but also a work that has contributed many to our lives.".

“Nevzat Tarhan sincerely opens up every aspect of his life to us”

Emphasizing the importance of seeing how a professional lives his life, Emre Şimşek said, "The book is very valuable, both individually and socially. Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, one of the most important psychiatrists in Türkiye and even in the world, opens his life to us. We hear a lot of advice from psychologists and psychiatrists. We hear many words. We try to apply them to our lives, however, what are they going through in their lives? When they face a challenge, when they face a failure when there is doubt in their minds, when there is a problem in them, we do not know what they are going through, what they are feeling. Have they never made a mistake? And, what have they done in these situations? In this book, Nevzat Tarhan sincerely opens up every aspect of his life to us. I think it is a very important book to forgive ourselves sometimes in terms of seeing how a professional lives their lives, in terms of being able to say, 'We all experience similar things in our lives.'".

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)