The Institute of Sciences was introduced

 Doç. Dr. Mesut Karahan

Üsküdar University, which set out with the motto of “A Higher Future Awaits you with Üsküdar”, continues its postgraduate meetings. In the second meeting, where the questions of the candidates about a wide range of master's and doctorate programs in different fields were answered, the programs within the Institute of Science were introduced.

Üsküdar University Institute of Sciences Director Assoc. Prof. Mesut Karahan attended the meeting and the program was moderated by Educational Institutions and Guidance Services Specialist Ece Tözeniş.

Moreover, Üsküdar University Deputy Director of the Institute of Sciences Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl, Institute Supervisor Aslı Işık and Student Accounting Officer Şeyma Kaya also participated in Zoom Webinar.

Assoc. Prof. Mesut Karahan: “We are looking forward to our students who want to continue their studies with us”

Üsküdar University Institute of Sciences Director Assoc. Prof. Mesut Karahan shared information about postgraduate and doctorate programs with the participants. Karahan said: “Our students can miss the science exam we organize. That's why we are holding two exams and we create our lists as a result of the evaluation of two exams. The science exam is very important in terms of the possibility of getting a full scholarship. We will be listing our full scholarship students with their undergraduate GPA and science exam grades. We have made the necessary applications and expanded the quota for our students who aim to do a master's degree or doctorate at Üsküdar University, Institute of Sciences. We look forward to seeing everyone who wants to continue carrying out their studies with us. Let's talk, let's try to lead your life together. We have become able to have a chat even if it is long distance. Maybe this could be the biggest contribution of the pandemic period. Of course, there are disadvantages, but let's use the advantageous aspects, we should definitely meet with our students.”.

Karahan: “We prioritize our student’s requests”

Karahan continued his words by addressing the opportunities offered by Üsküdar University in postgraduate programs and said: “We mostly work with the Faculties of Engineering and Health Sciences. We place importance to thesis on the subjects that our students desire. In many universities, the subjects are determined by the professors and a student has to prepare a thesis on that subject. However, we, as Üsküdar University, prioritize which field our students are interested in and in which field they want to prepare a thesis. There is no education on article writing. However, if you are doing a master's degree, you will be learning by writing the article. Although our subject in our scientific lessons is independent, we specifically teach how to write an article and how to carry out a project because if you are a graduate student and do not know how to write and execute a project, it means that there is a great loss. Our goal is to prevent this loss.”.

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nuri Bingöl

Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl: "Academic title is always advantageous"

Deputy Director of the Institute of Sciences Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl, on the other hand, shared information on thesis and non-thesis programs with the participants. Bingöl said: “Our students can switch from non-thesis master's degree program to master's degree program with thesis. The university-industry cooperation has only just begun. There was no such understanding in previous years. As Üsküdar University, we put our all effort, especially when no other university had this understanding. We have now entered a transition period with the efforts of the government. Now, we have started to see employees with doctorate titles in the industry, as well. Therefore, getting an academic title will always be more advantageous.”.

Bingöl: “We started the Cyber Security Master's Program”


Stating that they closely follow the innovations in the fields of undergraduate, graduate and doctorate programs, Bingöl said: “Cyber security has just started to be active in our lives, however, it has a fifteen-year history. Especially recently, occupational safety has started to gain importance. With the development of standards regarding cyber security, laws such as the protection of personal data began to be enacted. We also started the Cyber Security Master's program by believing that we should start from somewhere. Cryptocurrencies started to take place on our agenda on issues such as forensic computing. Although these fields seem like newly emerged fields, they are the ones that have made their presence felt for a long time. However, it is more up-to-date and popular at the moment. Therefore, it gives us hope to move forward faster. Advances in education enable us to progress.”.

What are the requirements for master's degree programs?

Aslı Işık, who is supervisor for the institute, explained the master’s degree program requirements of the Institute of Sciences and she said: “Students must apply with final registration documents. These consist of ALES exam result, transcript, graduation certificate, photocopy of identity card and photographs for students with thesis. We do not seek ALES scores for the application of non-thesis program students, however, they must provide all other requirements during final registration. Students who want to participate in English programs must have a foreign language score.”.

What are the financial transactions of master's and doctoral programs?

Student Accounting Officer Şeyma Kaya informed on financial transactions and said “Fees cover four terms in programs with thesis, three terms in non-thesis programs, and eight terms in doctoral programs. Fees include thesis and project fees. If there is a scientific preparation process that must be taken in the program, this is charged separately.”.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)