Our Student Orhun Karakuş will fight with the virus in Covid-19 Diagnostic Center…

Our students continue their field battles with Covid-19. Our undergraduate and also master student Orhun Karakuş has been working as a Specialist Genetic Engineer in the Project of Establishment of Covid-19 Diagnostic Centers since April within the scope of works by the Ministry of Health.

Orhun Karakuş, undergraduate students in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics within the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences , is also a special student at the Post Graduation Program of Molecular Biology and Genetics within the Institute of Sciences.

Karakuş, who received both theoretical and practical training from experts in the field, participated in the Project for Establishment of Covid-19 Diagnostic Centers which are carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Presidency of Health Institutes of Türkiye. Karakuş has been working as a Specialist Engineer at Ümraniye Education and Research Hospital since April. Stating that the Covid-19 Diagnostic Center was established in four days, Karakuş said, “Tests are done the most at the Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital Covid-19 Diagnostic Center throughout Türkiye.”

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)