An International Workshop on Freedom of Expression and Conscious was held…

The International Workshop on Freedom of Expression and Conscious was held with the participation of a Russian committee that visits Istanbul within the program on reading Risale-i Nur (Epistles of Light) by the Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture. Üsküdar University President Prof. Nevzat Tarhan made some evaluations in the workshop and Tarhan said that the good and the bad has always existed in history of humanity, however, one of main duties of being a human is to try to be those who are good. Tarhan also stated that the positive movement method does not only serve for needs of Türkiye but also for needs of all humanity and he defined Bediüzzaman as ‘scholar of this age’. Tarhan said “I do not see any difference between Bediüzzaman and Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky.”.

Prof: Nevzat Tarhan: “I do not see any difference between Bediüzzaman and Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky.”

Members of Üsküdar University Risale-i Nur Research Platform and attorneys-at-law who are in charge of cases on Risale-i Nur in Russia and researchers participated in the program that was held in the Main Campus Senate Meeting Hall. Those who attended the workshop are as follows: Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dean Prof. İbrahim Özdemir, Prof. İlham Miraç, Head of the Üsküdar University Department of Translation and Interpreting Prof. Nafi Yalçın, Prof. Fuat Bayram, Att. Mustafa Tuncel, Att. İbrahim Hilmi Ünlü, Prof. Muhammed Gür, Prof. Osman Çerezci, Retired Colonel Selahattin Arslan, Asst. Prof. Erhan Bektaş, Alumni of Molecular Biology and Genetics and assistant student Menekşe Yamaç, Department of Sociology fourth grade student and assistant student Ayşegül Tuncer, Att. Sergey Sitchev, Att. İvan Ptaşnik, Att. Abdulla Abdullayev, Att. Anna Nikolayevna Burçiyeva, General Secretary Selçuk Uysaler and Director of Department of Corporate Communication Tahsin Aksu.

Prof. İbrahim Özdemir: “It is very important to put emphasis on freedom of expression and conscious.”

The opening speech of the workshop was made by Üsküdar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dean Prof. İbrahim Özdemir. Özdemir said in his speech that: “We are neighbors with Russia. Sometimes relations can get tense between neighbors, sometimes they can get cross with each other, they can offend each other, however we are neighbors at the end of the day, and we have to exist together. However, when we look at the history, we have more good days than bad days and therefore, it is very important to put emphasis on freedom of expression and conscious, and rule of law to improve our relation on better terms. Our prospective relations will hopefully continue with a basis of science.”.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: “Human rights are not like our cloths but it is like our skin.”

Üsküdar University President and Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan mentioned psychobiography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi and his methodology. Tarhan said: “I had a look again at the report we wrote in 20221 on this opportunity. In the report, we responded neither more nor less with currently valid answers.  Those words are something we believe and depends on scientific proofs. They are products of reviewing the books intensely. I wrote the book with a title of ‘Bediüzzaman: the Conscious of the Age’  which is about psychobiography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi and his methodology.  Also, I analyzed the methodology of reasoning used by Risale-I Nur since I am psychiatrist. Moreover,  there is also an association called The Association of Justice Defenders on human rights in Türkiye and I am in charger as chairperson there.  It is a community consisted of about one thousand members most of whom are retired soldiers. I realized this because of topics concerning me, there are fundamental human rights such as right of jurisdiction, freedom of expression, freedom of travelling which they are fundamental human rights fit for European Court of Human Rights.   These are fundamental human rights of a person since a person is human not a tree, plant or animal.  This fight on losing these rights is the most sacred fights of humanity.”.             


Tarhan: “I do not see any difference between Bediüzzaman and Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky.”

Tarhan made some evaluation that a wise person is who is trying to be beneficial for the humanity and said “The good and the bad has always existed in history of humanity, however, one of main duties of being a human is to try to be those who are good. On this matter, I think the most important method that is used is the positive movement method. These books not only serve for needs of Türkiye but all humanity.  If it was possible to express the personality of Bediüzzaman with one expression, it would be ‘the scholar of this age’. A wise person is a person who is trying to be beneficial for the humanity. Therefore, I do not see any difference between Bediüzzaman and Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky.”

After question and answer session, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan presented a plaque to Att. Sergey Sitchey and bestowed his books to the participants.

After ending the workshop, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan presented certificate of participation to the conference participants and the program is ended with a photo shoot.