They gathered for Alzheimer's patients

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As part of the World Alzheimer's Day on September 21, an event themed "Fight Dementia, It is Time to Take Action for Alzheimer's" was held at Kadıköy Municipality Alzheimer's Center. The meaningful event organized for patients and their relatives was attended by Üsküdar University Graduate School of Social Sciences Instructor İdil Arasan Doğan attended. Mentioning that people anywhere in the world are diagnosed with dementia every 3 seconds, Doğan pointed out that individuals diagnosed with dementia are expected to be around 139 million in 2050.

Every year on September 21, global events are held to raise awareness on Alzheimer's.

It is time to take action for Alzheimer's in the fight against dementia!

The theme of this year's event, which was held at Kadıköy Municipality Alzheimer's Center as part of the World Alzheimer's Day on September 21, was determined as "Fighting Dementia, It is Time to Take Action for Alzheimer's".

Every 3 seconds, somewhere in the world, people are diagnosed with dementia...

Pointing out that individuals diagnosed with dementia are expected to be around 139 million in 2050, Üsküdar University Graduate School of Social Sciences Instructor İdil Arasan Doğan stated that "This theme focuses on the need for urgent action to reduce the negative effects of Alzheimer's, which has an increasing diagnosis rate, on individuals experiencing the disease, their family-caregivers and society. As stated in the 2024 World Alzheimer's report, people anywhere in the world are diagnosed with dementia every three seconds, and individuals diagnosed with dementia are expected to be around 139 million in 2050. In the disease, which makes them dependent on another person in everyday living activities over time, especially care comes to the fore as a problem. Regarding this issue in the report, the relatives of the patients state that although they do not volunteer, they have to take care of their patients in their own homes due to the increasing cost of care. This process also negatively affects the psychological health of the caregiver. For dementia, which has turned into a serious community mental health problem, university, associations and municipality collaborations are promising in terms of both patient-oriented activities and practices that provide informative and psychological support for caregivers."

Purple balloons were released into the sky

In the event, where the patients were very happy, the relatives of the patients and the participants danced to the accompaniment of the song sung together. The event ended with the release of purple flying balloons into the sky.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)