The new academic year orientations in Üsküdar started with Medicine and Dentistry...

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Üsküdar University 2024-2025 academic year started with the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry Orientation program. On the first day of the orientation program, which was held with the participation of academic and administrative staff, students of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry came together. Within the scope of the program, the departments and directorates operating within Üsküdar University provided information to the new members of the Üsküdar family before the lesson.

The orientation program was held in the İbni Sina auditorium at the Health Campus.

The opening speeches of the new academic year orientation program, which was held in two different sessions, were made by Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak, Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Haydar Sur and Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Ergün Yücel.

Prof. Hikmet Koçak: "Medicine is more than a profession, and it is a lifestyle"

Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak stated that medicine is based on love for people. Koçak stated that "Today is the first day of our students enrolling in medical school. They have ceased to be students and have accepted a profession and become our colleagues. I welcome you all. Medicine is more than a profession, and it is a lifestyle. It is based on human love. I would like to remind you that the first impression is important, and today all our units will introduce themselves to you."

Prof. Haydar Sur: "University life is like a manuscript of real life"

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Haydar Sur talked about the importance of university life. Sur stated that "University life is actually like a manuscript of real life. Whatever person you want to be in life, you need to be that person in your university life. Otherwise, you cannot live with a different personality in college and change that personality in real life."

After the orientation of the Faculty of Medicine, an orientation was held for the students of the Faculty of Dentistry.

Prof. Ergün Yücel: "Students are a must of a faculty"

Üsküdar University Faculty of Dentistry Dean Prof. Ergün Yücel informed the students. Yücel stated that "I am glad to see you here. You have reached another stage of the tiring educational life. I hope that we will complete this stage together and send you to the dentistry family as a physician. Students are a must of a faculty. If there is no student, it is not a faculty. Therefore, you have completed us this year."

Attention was also drawn to the "META-TIP" project...

Later, Emre Kaan Şanverdi, a third-year Computer Engineering student at Üsküdar University, gave information about the META-TIP project, which was established under the leadership of Üsküdar University students. Talking about the project that enables real organs to be scanned and digitized using 3D VR glasses so that students and researchers, especially medical faculties, can receive a better education, Şanverdi said that "We established a company called META-MEDICINE at the crossroads of medical and engineering. Due to the limited practical opportunities and the costs of cadavers in cadaver training, we saw this as a problem and produced a solution to it. Some universities do not have cadavers, but our university has cadavers. Due to the cost of cadavers and the lack of application, we encountered such a problem and produced a solution. Here, our solution is to provide cadaver access in digitized VR. Here we offer you access to VR cadavers 24/7 from your home or anywhere. And we do this with a 3D system, not a 2D system."

Students were informed

Within the scope of the program, the departments and directorates operating within Üsküdar University informed the newly enrolled students of Üsküdar University before the lessons.

Head of Corporate Communications Department Tahsin Aksu mentioned that they carry out all corporate communication and promotional activities of the university. Aksu gave information about the areas in which the units operating within the Department are working.

Acting Head of the Registrar's Office Serkan Kışmir stated that students can check their attendance, exam grades, course registrations, and exemption request results through the student information system.

Head of the Library and Documentation Department Sinan Eker informed the students about the libraries, electronic resources and book borrowing details in the campuses.

Career Center Director Remziye Çopur, on the other hand, gave information about the Career Center Department and informed the students about the internships to be done by the students, alumni relations and job opportunities after graduation.

Regarding the activities of the Department of Health, Culture and Sports, SKS Department Head Özcan Demir gave information.

The students were also informed about the Department of International Relations and the details about Erasmus were explained to the students.

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl informed the students about distance education.

Director of he Department of Information Technologies Yüksel Aral informed the students about the Internet service offered to them in each campus, the e-mail addresses given to the students, the smart boards in the classrooms, and the computer laboratories.

The program ended with a group photo shoot.

The orientation will continue on October 7-8 and 16

The program will be held on October 7 at the Foreign Languages and Preparatory Program, and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

On October 8, it will continue with the Faculty of Communication, the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Vocational School of Health Services. Then, on October 16, within the scope of the program, Prof. Sevil Atasoy will give a Conference on Combating Addiction.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)