Aid from Üsküdar University to Siirt Village Schools

Üsküdar University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations Fourth grade students implemented an important social responsibility project within the scope of graduation projects. The students helped 2 village schools in Siirt in a campaign called "Give me a Hand, Enlighten a Heart".

Aid to 2 village schools…

Üsküdar University students provided clothing and stationery supplies within the framework of the needs of the students of Engin Primary School and Şirvan District Soğanlı Primary School from Engin Village of Siirt Baykan District.

Counselor Asst. Prof. Nejla Polat and students Ece İnci and Dilber Dural spent time with primary school students by visiting the schools they helped in Siirt.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)