An important move for the defense industry from engineering students...

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri


Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering senior students carried out innovative studies within the scope of their graduation projects. Among the remarkable projects were 'Multi-Purpose Underwater Vehicle Design', 'Smart Home Automatic Control Project', 'Wind Turbine Control Project', 'Automatic Electric Vehicle Control System' and 'Development and Functionality of Underwater Vehicles'. President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Advisor to the Rector Halide İncekara and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Prof. Osman Çerezci received information about the works exhibited at the Main Campus.

The works prepared by the students of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering within the scope of their graduation projects were exhibited in the lobby area of the Main Campus.

Candidates who came to the university preference also showed great interest in the remarkable projects.

They bring their own designs to life

Üsküdar University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department senior students developed innovative projects on various electrically powered devices and systems. While the eight laboratories within the department provide students with a wide working area, students also have the opportunity to bring their own designs to life.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan also received information about the studies

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Advisor to the Rector Halide İncekara and Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Dean Prof. Osman Çerezci examined the projects in person. Tarhan and Çerezci received information about the work from Deputy Head of Department Asst. Prof. Javad Jangı Golezanı.

Prof. Selim Şeker: "They made a vehicle that runs entirely on electricity"

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Prof. Selim Şeker talked about the studies carried out in the department. Şeker expressed that "The electric car you see is entirely the design of our students. Our students worked on this project and produced a vehicle that runs entirely on electricity."

Projects are carried out in a wide range

Prof. Selim Şeker also stated that a wide range of projects are carried out, from wind-powered systems to smart home technologies. Şeker stated that "Our students are working on wind-powered systems, smart homes, and even remote-controlled submarines. These projects are carried out entirely with the efforts of the students and the recommendations of their teachers."

Their theoretical knowledge turns into practical projects...

Şeker, who also informed about the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, drew attention to the laboratory facilities of the department and the wide range of study areas it offers to students. Şeker stated that "No other department has so many laboratories. Here, our students can turn their theoretical knowledge into practical projects. For instance, one of our students published their electronic work with a student from China in international journals."

Asst. Prof. Javad Jangı Golezanı: "We are planning to develop this project"

Deputy Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (English), who is the consultant of the 'Development and Functionality of Underwater Vehicles' project, Asst. Member Javad Jangı Golezanı talked about the project. Golezanı stated that "This project is actually a multi-purpose submarine vehicle design. What I mean by multi-purpose is that it can be used in many different fields, in the defense industry or in the fields of health. In the design of the submarine, it actually has functions such as object recognition, distance measurement, recognition of surrounding objects, distance measurement or speed measurement. For instance, it is suitable for the recognition of surrounding objects in the defense industry or for applications to be used for pollution and marine pollution in health areas. Considering such things, we carried out this project with our students at the very first stage. In the coming years, perhaps we can expand this and add different sensors to improve the recognition of objects by using them in marine pollution or defense areas. We are planning to develop this project by making TÜBİTAK applications by adding different sensors."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)