2024-YKS university preference process has started!

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.48486

Specialist Psychological Consultant Ece Tözeniş Ayaz made important recommendations about this year's preference process and stated that "Discontinued evening education in state universities, reduced quotas in some departments, newly opened undergraduate and associate degree programs will affect preferences this year."

Specialist Psychological Counselor Ece Tözeniş Ayaz made the following remarks:

"You can make your first 5 preferences half above of your order of success, then you can complete your preferences that will remain in the middle by writing the places that are close to your order of success and in your order of success, and towards the end of your preferences, you can write the places that are half of your order of success."

The 2024-YKS results were announced on July 16, 2024 and students will make their official university preferences between July 25 and August 02. Üsküdar University Preference and Career Counselor, Specialist Psychological Consultant Ece Tözeniş Ayaz gave important advice about this year's selection process.

Evening education in state universities was discontinued

Specialist Psychological Counselor Ece Tözeniş Ayaz stated that the general quota, which was 1 million 15 thousand 840 last year, was determined as 960 thousand 249 this year, and said that "This year, evening education was discontinued in state universities to increase the quality of education programs. Moreover, quotas have been reduced in Architecture, Pharmacy, Psychology, Nutrition and Dietetics, and some programs specific to basic sciences. According to the requirements of our age, departments and programs opened in the fields of artificial intelligence, digitalization and big data were also included in the guide."

Among the sections opened for the first time are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Pointing to the 4-year undergraduate programs opened for the first time, Specialist Psychological Counselor Ece Tözeniş Ayaz said; Abaza Language and Literature, Industrial Management Engineering, E-Commerce, Public Relations and Marketing Communications, Climatic Science and Meteorological Engineering, Robotics and Autonomous Systems Engineering, Cybersecurity Engineering, Aquaculture Industry Engineering, Data Science and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

There is also a 2-year Artificial Intelligence Operator department

Moreover, the 2-year associate degree programs opened for the first time are Back-End Software Development, Cloud Computing Operator, Big Data Analyst, Front-End Software Development, Court Office Services, Autonomous Systems Technician, Game Development and Programming, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Manufacturing Execution Systems Operator, Corporate Informatics Specialist, Artificial Intelligence Operator, Digital Transformation Electronics, Unmanned Vehicle Technician, Aircraft Manufacturing Technologies. Specialist Ece Tözeniş Ayaz said that "Each preference period contains different dynamics and the tendencies of the students who will make a choice differ every year."

Discontinued evening education and reduced quotas in some departments will affect preferences

Stating that "Evening education programs are discontinued in state universities, reduced quotas in some departments, and newly opened undergraduate and associate degree programs will affect preferences this year as well," Specialist Psychological Counselor Ece Tözeniş Ayaz said that for this reason, it is very important to create the right preference lists together with experts in order for the candidates to reach their goals.

Choices should be made in order of success, not the score

Emphasizing what should be considered when creating the preference lists, Specialist Psychological Counselor Ece Tözeniş Ayaz said that "Let's make our department/program selections according to the order of success, not the score. Since the success levels of the students who take the exam every year are different, the order of success rather than the score allows us to make more accurate comparisons."

When creating your list, start with the sections you want the most!

Specialist Psychological Counselor Ece Tözeniş Ayaz stated that a preference list should be created by considering discontinued evening education and reduced quotas, considering the quota changes in the departments to be preferred, and Tözeniş stated that "Although YKS is a ranking exam, we make our preferences according to our wishes. When creating your list, you can start with the departments you want the most. This year, create your preferences, especially by keeping your order of success in a wide range. You can make your first 5 preferences half above of your order of success, then you can complete your preferences that will remain in the middle by writing the places that are close to your order of success and in your order of success (6-20 preferences), and towards the end of your preferences (20-24 preferences), you can write the places that are half of your order of success."

Be careful not to halve the evening school achievement score next year!

Stating that the first step in deciding on the right profession suitable for our personality traits, talents and interests is to do research, Specialist Psychological Counselor Ece Tözeniş Ayaz concluded her warnings and suggestions as follows:

"You should dedicate a part of this period to research. The preference days organized by the universities will be very beneficial for you in terms of getting detailed information about both the university and the departments and programs you intend to choose. If you do not have the opportunity to see the universities on site according to the provinces you are in, you can access detailed information about the departments, the courses taught, the job opportunities after graduation, and the opportunities provided by the university on the web pages. You should not choose only one department during this period just to be placed in a department. When you are placed in a department that is not suitable for you and where you cannot be happy, your evening education success score will decrease by half next year. Make sure to check the specific conditions and requirement of the departments you will include in your preference list in the guide."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)