'Antisocial people with neckties' deceive people, they have no remorse...

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.48177

Evaluating the issue of asocial life and its difficulties, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that " Asociality and anti-sociality have completely different meanings. Asociality is the rejection of sociability or to be alone willingly or unwillingly. Anti-sociality, on the other hand, is being against social norms, being prone to crime."

Stating that there are also hidden antisocial people Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "Antisocial people with neckties... They are qualified. They deceive people, they don't bother, they don't feel remorse, they don't feel remorse."

Prof. Tarhan: "People who have difficulty in complying with social norms become antisocial if they fight or oppose social norms, but if they avoid social norms, they become asocial."

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan evaluated the subject of asocial life and its difficulties.

"Antisocial with ties... They deceive people, they do not bother..."

"Asocial and anti-social are completely different meanings. Anti-sociality is the rejection of sociability or the willingness or unwillingness to be alone. Antisocial, on the other hand, is being against social norms, being prone to crime, behavior that used to be called psychopaths," said Prof. Tarhan and said, "There are two types of antisocial people, one is antisocial who throw razor blades at themselves, who constantly go in and out of prison 10-15 times, and who have criminal records of theft and all kinds of extortion. These are the known ones. And then there are the hidden antisocial people, 'antisocial people with neckties'... They are qualified con artists. They deceive people, they do not bother, they do not have remorse, they do not feel remorse. Anti-sociality is also known as active loneliness. One is happy with active solitude and has no complaints."

"You look at people who wear dark glasses all the time at an older age, most of them are socially phobic."

Stating that children who are exposed to peer bullying and left alone against their will stand aside after a while, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "These are children who are lonely because their social skills and emotional skills are weak. There is no fear in them, there is loneliness due to external causes. Some children also have fears, social fears. When one enters society, they think as ‘what if do I make mistakes? I feel embarrassed, and they will make fun of me’. They prefer not to enter because they are so feisty, but they actually want to enter. With this social anxiety, they do not want to make eye contact. You look at people who wear dark glasses all the time at an advanced age, most of them are socially phobic. They do not want to make eye contact. Social phobic people work hard because they have a fear of making mistakes, they are perfectionists. These people have mental inhibition. They are blocked. Exam anxiety becomes performance anxiety. If a person cannot manage it, they will be pushed into loneliness."

“One of the most important features of Eastern wisdom..."

Stating that there are also selected loneliness, and that some people in advanced ages choose loneliness, Prof. Tarhan said, "Because he is so busy exploring his inner world, traveling in his inner world, getting to know himself, managing desires and impulses... He enjoys it and does not feel the need for the outside world at all. These people are often getting wiser. They don't try to get people to come to me, but people come to them. When they meet someone, they can feel and say what they need. This is one of the most important features of Eastern wisdom. Yunus Emre's and Mevlana's are examples of this."

"A person enters an autistic life even though they are not genetically autistic"

Pointing to the study conducted by the BBC and Manchester City University on loneliness in 2018, Prof. Tarhan noted that the Ministry of Loneliness was established in the UK in connection with that study and said that "27 percent of people over the age of 75 say 'I am very lonely'. People between the ages of 16 and 24 are 40 percent of those who say 'I am very lonely'. This poses a very serious threat. Social media has a huge role to play. The person thinks that the virtual environment is social, creates a false reality for themselves, seems to relieve their loneliness there, but uses their brain only in areas related to dreaming. There is no neural development related to physical contact, to be able to relate to people without changing one's identity, all these skills. This is called learned autism. They have their own world, they live there, and some are happy. There is an autistic loneliness. It is acquired autism. The person enters an autistic life even though they do not perform an autistic act genetically. They are just interested in the computer and cannot be happy. One is not able to relate to the opposite sex. Such a way of life is being formed."

"People have to improve their skills in adapting to social norms"

Stating that the World Health Organization has declared loneliness as a global threat, Prof. Tarhan said that "People who have difficulty in complying with social norms become antisocial if they fight or oppose social norms; however, they become asocial if they avoid social norms. Since human beings are beings that have relations with social norms, they have to develop their skills in adapting to social norms."

Active asocial people do not complain...

Stating that active asocial people do not complain about this, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "They are happy in that way. They do a digital detox. They reject digital entirely. Research is being conducted on people who spread abstinence from social media. One group says it is 'addictive'. A person completely denies it because they think as 'it affects my day, my life, everything'. Another group says it threatens my privacy and security. The third group says, 'I do not like artificial relationships at all'. The fourth group does not use social media because 'they use me as an object of consumption.'"

"Digital suicides are increasing"

Drawing attention to digital addiction, Prof. Tarhan said that "Leaving oneself completely to the digital world and being a slave of the digital world is called digital suicide. Digital suicides are also on the rise and are becoming global. A person lives their whole social life there and is afraid of changing. One gets carried away there and gets into a false happiness."

"The approach of being against everything is an approach made by people who are not at peace with themselves"

Stating that where there is individualization, there are freedoms, questioning, openness and transparency, Tarhan said that "If a person is going to trust and connect to something, they trust and connect with their reasons. One does not put their mind in someone else's pocket. The kind of obedience that puts one's mind in someone else's pocket is total enslavement. Voluntary obedience to society and the system is an important thing. Because to disobey is to be antisocial. An approach in the form of being against everything is an approach made by people who are not at peace with themselves. However, when a person finds a correct meaning and becomes a part of that meaning, one feels a sense of belonging. One feels a sense of belonging to the family, to the country, to a religion. Since it is a part of a meaning, there is peace in that person, and there is a secure attachment."

"If his emotional literacy and social literacy are weak, one is alone"

Stating that Asociality is an improving situation, Prof. Tarhan concluded his remarks as follows:

"A person becomes asocial if the person wants to. A person is left alone in society even though they do not want to. They say, 'I do not realize it, I am alone even though I do not want to.' They apply for anxiety and depression. We find out that these people cannot relate to people. We see two kinds of reasons. First, they have poor emotional literacy and social literacy. It cannot transfer emotions to the other party. Most likely, these are cases of high-functioning autism. They become high-functioning and intelligent. They are great at some things, everyone applauds them; however, they cannot go and chat with someone and be friends. They cannot have a conversation with the opposite sex, and they are alone. Social skills studies are carried out for them. With empathy studies, reading and understanding the feelings of the other party, reading and understanding their own emotions, and relationship management are studied.

On the other hand, if being alone is related to social fears, if there is a fear of making mistakes, if there is a fear of being criticized, assertiveness training is worked with them. With assertiveness training, aggressiveness and assertiveness are studied."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)