Üsküdar University is among the top 500 universities providing the highest quality education in the world!

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.48175

According to the Impact Ranking 2024 results of Times Higher Education (THE), the world university ranking agency, Üsküdar University was deemed worthy of receiving all 17 labels applied for. While Üsküdar University was in the top 10 among foundation universities in all labels, it ranked 1st in 2 labels and 3rd in 5 labels. In 2023, our university was among the top 500 universities in the world rankings in 13 of the 17 labels it was awarded under the title of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among the foundation universities with all 17 labels, it succeeded in ranking 1st in Türkiye in the Overall Rankings category.

Üsküdar University was among the universities providing the highest quality education in the world according to the Impact Ranking 2024 results of Times Higher Education (THE), the world university ranking organization. "3- Good Health and Well-Being", "5-Gender Equality" and "7-Affordable and Clean Energy" have attracted attention in the rankings as the 3 most successful labels of our university.

Üsküdar University was listed in the top 50 percent among 1591 institutions with a total score of 54.8 out of 100 with the World rankings for the 5 labels it applied for in 2023 for the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking.

Received all 17 labels applied for 2024

THE Impact Ranking 2024, which was held in October 2023, has been announced. Üsküdar University was deemed worthy of receiving all 17 labels it applied for.

According to the results, Üsküdar University, which was deemed worthy of receiving all 17 labels applied for, increased its average score to 62.7 and was listed in the top 40 percent of 1963 institutions (universities or research institutes), showing a 10 percent increase in the world ranking compared to last year.

In the top 500 in the world ranking

When Üsküdar University was included in the 17 evaluations it was entitled to receive, it was among the top 500 universities in the world ranking, competing with other thematic universities that are very assertive in these fields with label applications in 17 different fields, and showed a 10 percent improvement compared to the previous year.

What are the rankings in the 17 labels?

Üsküdar University has demonstrated a remarkable performance with the academic and social activities it carries out within the scope of the 17 labels it applied for.

With the "1-No Poverty" label, Üsküdar University ranks between 301-400 in the world ranking, 10th among universities in Türkiye and 4th among foundation universities, with its activities carried out with the aim of ending all forms of poverty everywhere,

With the "2-Zero Hunger" label, the UN aims to end hunger, achieve food security and good nutrition, and support sustainable agriculture, while our university ranked between 301-400 in the world ranking, 14th among universities in Türkiye, and 1st among foundation universities with the activities carried out within the scope of this label.

With the label of "3- Good Health and Well-Being", it ranked between 201-300 in the world ranking with its contribution to the activities of the UN, which aims to secure a healthy and quality life at all ages, while ranking 6th among universities in Türkiye and 4th among foundation universities.

The "4-Quality Education" label aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. In this label, Üsküdar University ranked between 401-600 in the world ranking, 26th among universities in Türkiye, and 7th among foundation universities with the activities it carried out in 2023.

With the label of "5-Gender Equality", Üsküdar University was ranked between 201-300 in the world ranking, 6th among universities in Türkiye, and 3rd among foundation universities.

With the "6-Clean Water and Sanitation" label, the UN aims to ensure accessible water and wastewater services and sustainable water management for all. Our university ranked between 401-600 in the world ranking, 15th among universities in Türkiye and 3rd among foundation universities with the activities carried out within the scope of this label.

The "7-Affordable and Clean Energy" label evaluates the activities of institutions in this field in order to provide access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for everyone. Within the scope of this label, Üsküdar University ranked between 301-400 in the world ranking, 12th among universities in Türkiye, and 3rd among foundation universities.

The label "8- Decent Work and Economic Growth" aims to promote stable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. In this context, it ranked between 801-1000 in the world ranking, 28th among universities in Türkiye, and 8th among foundation universities with its academic, social and stakeholder activities.

The "9-Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure" label prioritizes supporting the UN's activities in this context with the aim of establishing resilient infrastructures, supporting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and strengthening innovation. With its activities in 2023, Üsküdar University ranked between 601-800 in the world ranking, 39th among universities in Türkiye, and 9th among foundation universities.

The label titled "10-Reduced Inequalities" aims to reduce inequalities within and between countries, and the activities of universities to support this goal are important for economic, cultural and social development. With its activities within the scope of this label, it ranked between 301-400 in the world ranking, 16th among universities in Türkiye, and 5th among foundation universities.

With the "11-Sustainable Cities and Communities" label, it is aimed to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. In this context, with the activities carried out at Üsküdar University, it ranked between 601-800 in the world ranking, 24th among universities in Türkiye, and 6th among foundation universities.

The "12-Responsible Consumption and Production" label is the label that aims to ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns and supports and monitors the activities of institutions in this field. With its activities in 2023, Üsküdar University ranked between 401-600 in the world rankings, 24th among universities in Türkiye, and 6th among foundation universities.

The "13-Climate Action" label is on the UN's high-priority labels and aims to take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects. Üsküdar University has been carrying out climate-oriented studies with sensitivity for many years and ranked between 401-600 in the world ranking, 16th among universities in Türkiye, and 3rd among foundation universities with its activities in 2023.

The "14-Life Below Water" label aims to protect and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. In addition to protecting the terrestrial ecosystem, Üsküdar University ranked between 201-300 in the world rankings, 5th among universities in Türkiye, and 1st among foundation universities with its activities related to aquatic life.

The "15- Life on Land" label is designed to protect, improve and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, to ensure sustainable forest management, to combat desertification, to stop and reverse land degradation. It is a label that attracts the attention of institutions with its sensitivity to prevent the loss of biodiversity and supports their activities. Üsküdar University ranked between 401-600 in the world ranking, 20th among universities in Türkiye, and 3rd among foundation universities with its activities within the scope of this label.

While the "16-Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions" label aims to establish peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, to ensure access to justice for all, and to create effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, Üsküdar University was ranked 101 in the world in 2023 within the scope of this label. Üsküdar University, which is placed between 401-600 in the world ranking for 2024, ranked 12th among universities in Türkiye and 6th among foundation universities.

The "17-Partnerships for the Goals" label is the UN's latest sustainable development goal and aims to strengthen implementation tools and stimulate the global partnership for sustainable development. Üsküdar University ranked between 601-800 in the world ranking, 17th among universities in Türkiye, and 6th among foundation universities with the holistic evaluation it carried out within the scope of this label and covering the previous 16 labels.

Research, education, management, and impact across borders

The ranking, carried out by The Times Higher Education (THE) in line with the 17 sustainable development goals determined by the United Nations, evaluates all the activities of universities under the headings of research, education, management and strategies to have an impact beyond borders within the scope of these development goals. According to the Overall Score results, which are obtained with 26% of the scores of the 3 labels with the highest scores of the universities, as well as the scores weighted with 22% of the 17th label, which is included as a mandatory label in the application, our university is listed from the 801st place in the world ranking in this metric.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)