We are socially decaying...

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.48028

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan was the guest of the program titled " Dr. Feridun Kunak’la Evlerinize Sağlık” (Health to Your Homes with Dr. Feridun Kunak) broadcast on Kanal 7. Tarhan made remarkable evaluations on the subject of "Social Decay". Emphasizing that human beings are relational beings, Tarhan expressed that social decay can be seen mostly in places where the culture of oppression is dominant. Talking about what needs to be done to prevent social decay, Tarhan stated that "First of all, the lie must be removed. Where there is a lie, trust decreases. Where trust decreases, fear increases. Where fear increases, there is no peace." Tarhan also underlined that the biggest symptom of social decay is loneliness.

Humans were created as a relational being

Pointing out that human beings are relational beings, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that these relationships are what make people human. Tarhan stated that "We can define social decay as the decay in human relations. In other words, a person has a relationship with themselves, a relationship with their family, a relationship with social life. These relationships are the ones that make people human. Humans were created from creation as a relational being. In other words, humans were not created to live alone. When you put a person in solitary confinement, and when you hold them for more than 15 days without warning, this is considered torture. Because when people are deprived of stimuli, they react schizophrenic. This has also been tested in animals."

The biggest symptom of social decay is loneliness...

Emphasizing that social decay can be seen mostly in places where the culture of oppression is dominant, Tarhan stated that "Loneliness is in the background of addiction. The biggest symptom of social decay is loneliness. There is a feeling that 'Society is not a safe space'. In this case, the person lives in constant fear. There are high-security societies and low-security societies. Low-security societies are societies where there is social decay. The most social decay exists in cultures of fear. Where there is fear, there is always pressure, fear and threats. For instance, in the family environment, if everyone is looking for a place to escape when the father comes, there is social decay there. The child who grows up there will be against the parents in the future, against the values of the parents. There is a statement made at the World Economic Forum. It is stated that there are three threats that await humanity. The first is global income inequality, the second is climate change, and the third is loneliness. One of the most important markers of the weakening of social ties, the deterioration of social relations, and the deterioration of family relations is the lack of empathy."

Do not say, ‘This is nothing, everyone is doing much more!'

Talking about what needs to be done to prevent social decay, Tarhan stated that "First of all, the lie must be removed. Where there is a lie, trust decreases. Where trust decreases, fear increases. Where fear increases, there is no peace. Therefore, if you put all the evil in a room, lying will open the door. There is a lie, but it is marginal. It is 5 percent of society, 10 percent of society. However, this is the fact that evil gets common if more than 50 percent of this society normalizes lies. When evil becomes common, everyone says, 'this is nothing, everyone is doing it.' After thieves steal something, they distribute a piece of it to their spouses and friends to ease their conscience. When people do something bad and others do evil, their ego relaxes and satisfies themselves. If you do not care about the evils, it becomes normalized, it becomes ordinary, and it continues. After that, it makes the heart evil and blind."

Western depiction misleads pure minds...

Emphasizing that one of the most important things that increase social decay is television programs, Tarhan stated that “In our culture, it is said, 'Be like soil in covering someone else's fault.' It is by Rumi. Now, when we ask why you are running such programs, they say that we want to raise awareness in the society. When I say awareness, it is like coming out and explaining theft techniques to raise awareness about theft. It is like talking about using drugs to raise awareness about drugs. Who cheats on whom, and how? How is it? They sit down and talk about it. It is like raising awareness so that people are aware. They do normalize that they are actually applying one of the devil's methods of deception. There is a rule that says, ‘Western depiction misleads pure minds.’ It corrupts beautiful, pure, innocent minds, pure minded people who do not think badly...”

The media bears a great responsibility for social decay...

Referring to the role of the media in social decay, Tarhan expressed that "If there is social decay in society right now, if there is moral corruption, if people's trust in each other is weakened, the media has a huge responsibility here. In the moral values of the Qur'an, deeds are according to intentions. In scholars and rulers, deeds are not according to intention, but according to result... Because you are managing a company, you are navigating a ship. If you say that I have good intentions and put the ship on the ground, you are responsible for the people who lost there because you did not take precautions in good faith. Because the manager is the responsibility of the human being, the scholar is responsible for taking precautions and predicting the result."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)