Creative designs workshop with generative artificial intelligence was held

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'Creative Designs with Generative Artificial Intelligence Workshop' was held in cooperation with Üsküdar University, IEEE Üsküdar University Student Branch Club, ArVis Technology, Brainpark TTO and Rocket Academy. At the event, which was attended by experts in their fields, it was explained how artificial intelligence is integrated into the world of art and design. President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan also attended the event. Pointing out that there is no technological transformation without mental transformation, Tarhan expressed that "If you chase the need, you will be successful.”

The event, which took place at Üsküdar University Çarşı Campus Emir Nebi Conference Hall, was attended by ArVis Technology CTO Tansel Akgül, Artificial Intelligence Writer Şule Güner and Arvis Technology CEO Gülhan Ertürk Akgül as guests.

The opening speeches of the event were made by President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin Konuk, IEEE Student Branch President Ahmet Can Çağlar.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "There is no technological transformation without mental transformation"

Underlining that it is necessary to chase the need to be successful, President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "Without mental transformation, there is no technological transformation. There must be a mental transformation, whether there is a social transformation or a technological transformation. People's mental walls create more prejudices. Artificial intelligence has now been paved the way, but I always tell young people that if you chase money, you will not be successful. If you chase the need, you will succeed. You will chase the need. What does this society need, what do people need? To chase this need, you need to have a goal. You need to have goals, goals to work for, to be tired of, to suffer for. I really have high hopes for young people. Do not bother with unnecessary things anymore, young people. The path to success is like mountaineering. It is necessary to sweat, to labor, to get tired. Do not give up, keep going."

"The pandemic has spread digitalization"

Mentioning that when the whole world is Covid, there is digitalism, Tarhan said that "In fact, the emergence of Covid and the emergence of the iceberg have been an opportunity dimension. Digital platforms were about to create a monopoly, they were in the hands of those who did. When the whole world became Covid, digitalism had to happen. Digital platforms have become global, preventing someone from monopolizing. Thus, I think the pandemic has spread digitalization to the grassroots."

Prof. Muhsin Konuk: "The liberation of Türkiye: Growing up with the love of young minds projects..."

Mentioning that there is no age for learning, Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin Konuk mentioned that we should not miss the change and transformation in the world. Konuk expressed that "You will learn about the possibilities that generative AI will provide you. It is the same for me, there is no age for learning. It is very difficult to keep up with technology. Unfortunately, as a country, we have missed the changes and transformations in the world due to the fights within ourselves. The first thing we missed was the industrial revolution, but the next generation is trying to do something. We believe that the salvation of Türkiye is for young minds to grow up with the love of projects and to make projects. Unfortunately, the generation before us was always afraid when it came to projects."

Tansel Akgül: "It has been revealed that the processing power of artificial intelligence is transaction-based"

Tansel Akgül, CTO of ArVis Technology, made a presentation titled "What are the tools for using generative artificial intelligence, how to operate them?". Akgül said that "Today's work is actually based on having fun, but while having fun, we will also learn the basic issues underlying the job. I have been doing this for about forty years. We met with artificial intelligence and deep learning in 2013. With the development of hardware, it turned out that the processing power of artificial intelligence is transaction-based, and we have come to the point of today's generative artificial intelligence. Ms. Yeliz loved to take pictures. They had shootings in Hatay Arsuz. I asked her to write a text explaining a mood for each photo, and we got artistic photos with artificial intelligence printouts about the photos. We printed these photos digitally. It is in our homes.”

Şule Güner: "A definition of artificial intelligence will emerge from every profession"

Artificial Intelligence Author Şule Güner made a presentation titled "A look at generative artificial intelligence models used in digital art". Güner stated that "Engineering equals creativity. This actually seems like a very separate thing, but it is not. From the beginning, I think this work is interdisciplinary. Yes, first of all, it belongs to engineering. At that time, we were thinking about what it would be like, but it was clear that coding would come to another place. I think there will be a definition of artificial intelligence in every profession. A doctor is an artificial ‘intelligenceist’, a lawyer is an artificial ‘intelligenceist’. There should be not only engineers, but also economic and administrative scientists. There should be people who produce projects, teams that produce projects should be formed, and there should be visionary people leading them and the most visionary leaders at the top."

"Art is going according to the digital world"

Pointing out that mathematics and creativity are very important and not without both, Güner said that "Today's workshop brings creativity to the forefront. By learning from there, you can transfer the brain to other kinds of creative work. It is also a neurological thing. There is a math to writing prompts. Math and creativity do not happen without both. Sorry nobody, art is going according to the digital world. The mathematics of life is very different now. We expect the previous generation to find a place to work in the business world."

Gülhan Ertürk Akgül: "If you look at life from the good side, you can produce good things"

Gülhan Ertürk Akgül, CEO of Arvis Technology, made a presentation titled "How to use the outputs obtained with generative artificial intelligence?". Mentioning that when good things are produced, they will be more beneficial to the society, Akgül said that "We have always looked at generative AI on the bright side, because if you look at life on the bright side, you can produce good things. When you produce good things, you are more beneficial to society. There will also be bad users, but this is in every aspect of our lives. Of course, there are bad people, bad events, bad perspectives and bad situations, but what you need to do for young people is that always taking the good side of new generation technologies and using them in places that will benefit life. You use AI in many different areas. Art, design, music, fashion. For example, the film industry will not disappear, but there will be tools to increase production capacity. We must be useful to society. Ethical issues are important. Because we do not know who is to blame for the artificial intelligence-powered vehicle. For this reason, the law is also developing.”

After the end of the presentations, certificates were given to the participants and a group photo was taken.

A workshop was held

The event, which attracted great attention, was followed by a workshop. In the workshop, the prompts were turned into visual output and arranged in half.

As a result of the competition, the winner was decided by voting.

The event ended after the winner was presented with a gift.

News: Ebranur Özdemir

Photograph: Mukadder Güneş


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)