On-Site Risk Analysis is possible with drones...

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.44677

The 66th period events of the 1 Topic 1 Guest event organized by Üsküdar University Occupational Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Health Application and Research Center ÜSGÜMER were held. Drone Pilot Levent Oktay participated in the program. Oktay pointed out that thanks to the drone, possible disasters can be prevented by making accurate analyzes. Emphasizing that field analyzes should be carried out before drone shooting, Oktay underlined that Occupational Health and Safety experts should be knowledgeable to analyze the information given. Giving advice to students who want to improve themselves in this field, Oktay said that they should put their hearts into this job.

At the online event, Drone Pilot Levent Oktay made a presentation titled "Field Risk Analysis with Drone".

The event was moderated by Üsküdar University Continuing Education Application and Research Center Director Bengisu Altınten. The event was attended by the Head of the Department of Occupational Health and Safety and the Director of ÜSGÜMER, Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan also participated.

Levent Oktay: "Disaster can be prevented with the right analysis..."

Levent Oktay, who provided important information about where the drone is used in field analysis, stated that "Thanks to the cameras underneath a drone, drones are used to inspect solar panels and for risk analysis of the operations of oil and refineries, wind farms, mining sites and the construction industry. For example, you can look at various changes with drone after collecting data at a mining site. With the map we have, you can calculate how much excavation will come out of here. It can also be looked at before drilling and blasting works at mine sites. When there is a blast there, if there is a slip or a crack compared to the previous one, a disaster can be prevented by analyzing them correctly and making the right decisions in the future. If there is a shift between the previous image and the next image, precautions should be taken accordingly."

"Occupational Health and Safety experts need to be knowledgeable"

Underlining that field analysis is very important before drone shooting, Oktay stated that "The drone pilot is taking the shots; however, it is necessary to analyze it with a good team. The part we like the most is to notice the danger with the drone before an incident occurs, and this should be looked at by a good analyst. Mining fields, oil fields are a separate issue, we all need their own information. Occupational Health and Safety experts need to be knowledgeable to analyze the information we provide."

"If young people want to progress in this field, they need to put their hearts into this work"

Drone Pilot Levent Oktay, who advises students who want to improve themselves in the drone field, expressed that "If young people want to progress in this field, they need to put their hearts into this work. They need to improve themselves by constantly practicing. They can practice with small drones that take pictures. They should practice a lot on the field, in empty spaces. They need to investigate the purpose for which the drone is used, especially the Occupational Health and Safety authorities, not only about the place where they work, but also improve themselves further and analyze and improve this data. They need to analyze the data that someone else has taken, which is very important. If they do not know how to interpret the data, they cannot shoot, and they need to know where to look in the factory.”

The online event ended after the questions of the participants were answered.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)