Women's daytime television programs make a person malevolent!

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.44568

Drawing attention to the negative impact of women's programs on the person and society, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that women are under the negative influence of women's generation programs. Noting that these programs, in which he stated that malevolent is depicted, make evil ordinary, normalize, mislead naive minds such as children and adolescents and encourage imitation, Tarhan added that they make people insensitive and malevolent.

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan evaluated the issue of women's awareness in society.

"There is a cultural confusion and conflict caused by the work of women in the usual patriarchal culture"

Pointing out that there were periods in the past that saw women as objects and that Islam was given the right of inheritance, the right to divorce and social rights to women, Prof. Tarhan said that "Later, , some of those rights disappeared in the Islamic world under the influence of Mesopotamian culture, and then there was a serious beginning for women to participate in business life, especially with the industrial revolution. In the meantime, there is a cultural confusion and conflict caused by the work of women in that usual patriarchal culture. And after the events, movements related to women's rights begin."

"Türkiye gives these rights earlier than Europe"

Stating that the women's liberation movement came to the fore more after 1960, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "The level of social equality between men and women in the world could only be reached in the 1960s. In 1917, there were debates in America about what your president thinks about women's right of voting. Türkiye gives these rights earlier than Europe in this regard. In Switzerland, the right to vote was given in the 1970s.”

"Relations between men and women have been transformed into wars between men and women"

Noting that women have come a long way in terms of equality in social rights and opportunities, Prof. Tarhan made the following remarks: "However, there are cultures in the world that are not ready for change. In some cultures, there is a problem because men are not ready for this. However, on the other hand, there is also a difference between ifrat and tefrit between these two extremes. The women's liberation and feminist movement, which was the righteous movement that started in 1960; however, it jumped the rails in the 1970s and 1980s. Relations between men and women have been turned into wars between men and women, and divorce rates are now much higher than marriage rates all over the world. The divorce rate in the first 5 years is 38 percent in Türkiye. In Europe, it has decreased by around 60-70 percent, and even marriages have decreased significantly. Extramarital children are over 50 percent in many countries in Europe."

"Power struggles between men and women turned into personality wars"

Prof. Tarhan explained that the power struggles between men and women have turned into personality wars and stated that "This has damaged the family institution and therefore, there are complications. In other words, both the mother and father need to do something better than being a good manager, or a good businessperson to raise a good child. If you do not raise good children, you do not invest in the future. There is a tendency to shift towards an extreme that despises raising a human being, and this should not be ignored. Thus, the dose is important in every case."

"Women and men are equal in rights and opportunities"

Stating that "Women and men are equal in rights and opportunities, but they are not biologically equal," Prof. Tarhan made the following remarks:

"Because biologically, the blood circulating in a woman's body is four kilograms, while a man's is six kilograms. That's why physical performance is not equal, and there are biological inequalities like this. However, it is biology. For example, women are ahead of men in terms of empathy. Women are ahead of the man in terms of speaking skills. They are not biologically equal and created differently. It is necessary to ensure equality by considering this because equality is not always in accordance with justice. It is not fair to a person to give them a burden one cannot carry."

"Gender is also called ‘acquired gender' because society teaches it"

Noting that gender should be divided into three, Prof. Tarhan stated that "The first is biological sex, and it is innate. There is a definition by the World Psychiatric Association, it says 'assigned gender’ for biological sex. Gender is also called ‘acquired gender’. Society teaches it. It is the identity known as sexual identity. And the third is sexual orientation."

"There is no third sex gene. Biologically, there is a female and a male gender."

Stating that there is a large study conducted by Oxford, Harvard, Toronto and a university from Australia on 4,770 people in 2019 on whether gender is biological or social, Prof. Tarhan said that "It is the largest genetic study in the world. It was published in the journal. It was investigated to see if there was a third sex gene there. There is no third sex gene. Biologically, there is a female gender and a male gender. Even, there are chromosomes, but there are no genes. The third sex gene was not found. There are some cases; however, they accept it as a disorder. For example, there is also the hermaphrodite. There are both female and male organs. The baby is born like this, and when it is noticed, if it prefers one, the child is operated. The child continues in that gender, and if it grows up unnoticed, then the child becomes androgynous."

"Violence against women is very high in societies that cannot tolerate that women are not marginalized"

Emphasizing that it is necessary that a woman should not see herself as secondary in social life, business life and home, and should not marginalized, Prof. Tarhan stated that "There are studies on this subject, a lot of progress has been made compared to the past. Approaches such as the marginalization of women and saying, ‘Be quiet, you are just a woman' have decreased. However, violence against women is very high in societies that cannot tolerate this. Unfortunately, we are at the forefront of violence against women in the world."

"Rehabilitation centers should be established to prevent violence against women..."

Reminding that 8 women were killed in one day a while ago, Prof. Tarhan stated that "It is a very sad situation. These are clinical cases. There is alcohol. It is necessary not only to try to fix things, but also to carry out preventive health. It is necessary to approach it in terms of preventive mental health, and it is necessary to know why this person is violent. All over the world, laws are not just being enacted to reduce femicide. Rehabilitation centers are also being established. Rehabilitation centers around the world are hospitalized for three months. This rehabilitation center could not be established in our country."

"Equality between men and women in Türkiye has not had a reducing effect on violence against women"

Emphasizing that there is a need for mediators in the family, Prof. Tarhan said that "Gaziantep Municipality has done a very good work on this, and it is called the Family Academy. There is also a lawyer there. Counseling such as legal counseling, spiritual counseling, and psychological counseling were established. It is necessary to raise trained mediators. This is another issue. Gender equality in Türkiye has not had a reducing effect on violence against women."

"Housewives waste their time watching TV series"

Prof. Tarhan stated that "What I see now in the social problems of women, that is, housewives watching TV series and wasting their time... Spending time on various gossip programs and unnecessary programs. Evil is portrayed in the programs of daytime TV programs for women. This has three harms to the person. Firstly, it normalizes evil. Secondly, it misleads pure minds of children and adolescents and encourages them to imitate and makes them emulate. Thirdly, it is a disorder to enjoy watching bad things. It is sadomasochism... It makes the person both insensitive and malicious... Women should engage in association activities instead of them. Let them engage in social responsibility activities. It would be much better if they did something like this. Women in Türkiye are under the negative influence of women's daytime programs to the extent of disorder."

Explaining that working women do not watch such programs much and are not interested because they are busy, Prof. Tarhan said that "I think it is better for them to direct their time and energy to do something that will contribute to society, for the benefit of humanity, and to surpass themselves instead of spending their time and energy on such programs."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)