Nobel prizes discussed from past to present

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Üsküdar University Health, Culture and Sports (HCS) Department organized an event titled "Nobel Presentation" for student clubs operating in NP Health Campus. Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Department of Neurology and NPİSTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Prof. Oğuz Tanrıdağ attended the event as a guest. In his presentation, Tanrıdağ discussed the topics such as 'What is the Nobel? What is its significance for us? 2023 Nobel Prizes and Criticisms about the Nobel'. Tanrıdağ pointed out that the only way for those who want to understand the world, starting with the Nobel, is to learn about recent history.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Department of Neurology and NPİSTANBUL Hospital Neurology Specialist Prof. Oğuz Tanrıdağ participated in the event held at Üsküdar University NP Health Campus İbn-i Sina Auditorium.

"The Nobel Prize in Economics symbolized the birth of neuromarketing"

Stating that neuromarketing meets and combines economics and neuroscience and is a branch of science that concerns individual human behavior, Prof. Oğuz Tanrıdağ made the following remarks: "The Nobel Prize in Economics symbolized the birth of neuromarketing, which has been seriously discussed and studied at our university. Daniel Kahneman was nominated and won the 'Nobel Prize in Economics' for the first time in history with his research on the factors that people behave according to market relations and consumer relations. In other words, the behavioral scientist received the Nobel Prize in economics because in market relations, in consumer relations, in people who encounter goods, with what thoughts, 'How are determinations made? How to shop?' has announced the scientific theories of this. In Daniel Kahneman's book 'Fast and Slow Thinking', we come across statements such as, 'There are two types of thinking: fast thinking and slow thinking. As it is false perceived by the majority, fast thinking is not always wrong, and slow thinking is not always right. Often there are urban legends among us. There are myths that thinking quickly will lead to harmful consequences or mistakes, which causes that slow thinking is advised. It has accuracy, but it is not true in all cases. Both can be right or wrong, depending on the circumstances. Thinking quickly on a subject can be a very correct word, slow thinking on a subject can give the right result, and vice versa. Which way of thinking is right and when is wrong is determined by our decisions about our short- term and long-term expectations and interests. Therefore, it is clearly shown in neuromarketing that the right and left lobes of our brain form our decisions according to what kind of operations they do, and that we open our eyes to the outside world."

Stating that neuromarketing means the branch of science in which the science of economics and neuroscience meet, merge and deal with individual human behavior, Tanrıdağ said that "There is a parallel between the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine and the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics. As a result, brain work directs people to how they should behave in sociology, economics, mathematics, physics and psychology."


"For a significant part of the 20th century, physics and chemistry became parts of the same whole"

Pointing out that physics and chemistry were directed towards the same goals in a part of the 20th century, Prof. Oğuz Tanrıdağ said that "Quantum is more of a concept related to physics, quantum physics has been popular since the beginning of the 20th century. It is a concept related to physics, and its development leads to the prize of chemistry. For much of the 20th century, physics and chemistry were directed towards the same goals and became parts of the same whole. Therefore, a chemistry prize began to be awarded to the thought of a physics school. In the same way as literature and economics are given. Quantum dots are a physics that moves in the opposite direction, offers us different options between being and not being, and is the opposite of Newtonian physics, instead of bringing probability calculations to the agenda. The 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry started as a subject of physics, and the determination of quantum dots is proof of the interdisciplinary nature of science and why work between different disciplines is important."

"The 1986 prize showed that genetic mechanisms are different"

Drawing attention to the 1986 Nobel Prize, Tanrıdağ mentioned that genetic mechanisms work within two programs. Tanrıdağ stated that "With the 1986 Nobel, it became clear to many desperate children, adolescents, adults and elderly that they had a chance to be cured and that they could be cured. There, too, genetic mechanisms were found to be involved. Genetic mechanisms work within two programs: one is to repair the damage and the other is to keep the damage constant, the 'Apoptotic and Anti-apoptotic' mechanisms. We are born with these mechanisms. In other words, the gene is innate, the separation by command, the development in the direction of damage, the development is limited at an early age, and we age prematurely in middle age. There are methods to prevent this, but in the end, the 1986 award showed that the genetic mechanisms are different."

"If you want to start with the Nobel and understand the world, there is only one way..."

Giving important advice to the participants, Prof. Oğuz Tanrıdağ expressed that "You should learn about recent history. It is my advice that you learn both the recent history of Türkiye and the recent history of the world. If you are interested, you should comment after that. If you want to understand the world, starting with the Nobel, there is only one way, learn recent history..."

The event ended with a group photo shoot after the questions of the participants were answered.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)