Prof. Ahmet Konrot attended the closing meeting of İSTER

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The closing meeting of the ' Creating Technology-Oriented Sustainable Telerehabilitation Service and Qualified Workforce Training Project in Istanbul' (İSTER) supported by the İstanbul Development Agency (ISTKA), in which Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences, Head of the Department of Language and Speech Therapy Prof. Ahmet Konrot is the consultant, was held. A large number of health workers attended the meeting, which was held with the participation of İstanbul Provincial Health Director Prof. Kemal Memişoğlu.


Head of the Department of Speech and Language Therapy Prof. Ahmet Konrot and Project Manager of the R&D and Innovation Policies Directorate Meltem Bayraktar attended the closing meeting held at Üsküdar Zeynep Kamil Women's and Children's Diseases Education and Research Hospital.

Treatment is carried out through specialist physiotherapists and speech-language therapists

The 'Creating Technology-Oriented Sustainable Telerehabilitation Service and Qualified Workforce Training Project in İstanbul' (ISTER) by Erenköy Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital under the coordination of İstanbul Provincial Health Directorate is a telerehabilitation service. It was established for the treatment of patients who are examined by physical therapy and rehabilitation specialist physicians and deemed suitable to benefit from telerehabilitation services. The treatment is planned to be implemented in their own homes by physiotherapists and speech-language therapists who are experts in their fields, with software programs and technologies specially developed for the project.

A large number of healthcare professionals participated in the closing program

A large number of healthcare professionals participated in the closing program of the project, which was supported within the framework of the İstanbul Development Agency-Innovative İstanbul Financial Support Program.

243 people were provided with telerehabilitation services in their homes using software support

In the 18-month project of ISTER, 243 people, including 61 speech disorders, 60 Parkinson's, 32 cerebral palsy and 90 hemiplegia patients, were applied applications such as telerehabilitation gamification program, online teletherapy, speech and language therapy and online cognitive exercise at home using software support.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)