OHS practices and trainings in the international field were discussed…

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.43108

Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services Occupational Health and Safety program organized an event on "OHS Practices and Trainings in the International Arena". The online event was moderated by Üsküdar University Property Protection and Security Department Head and Occupational Health and Safety Program Head Dr. Gamze Kağan.

Üsküdar University Occupational Health and Safety Department RA Sertaç Temur attended the online event as a guest.

RA Sertaç Temur: "I realized that the best one is in the Czech Republic"

One of the first graduates of Üsküdar University Occupational Health and Safety Department, Occupational Safety Doctor and Class A Occupational Safety Specialist Res. Asst. Sertaç Temur mentioned that the number of graduates when he graduated in 2017 was low and that this number increased over time. Talking about his experiences in occupational health and safety in the international arena, Temur said that "I think I see the best thing in the Czech Republic right now in terms of how we can improve job security because I went to other universities and I have been to Portugal, Belgium and Poland. I have not been to the UK, but when I did some research, I realized that the Czech Republic was the best. That is why I have kept a good relationship with them and we have an agreement with the university."

"Our curriculum has started to be updated carefully"

Pointing out that the curriculum has been updated, Temur stated that "Meetings were held with the General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety. I went with the heads of the departments and I went with Rüştü Uçan from our university. During our meeting, our curriculum started to be updated carefully. After that date, there are 8 doctoral programs and 35 master's programs by the times it is 2023. I can say that we are on a good path at the moment. In the master's and doctoral sections, we have courses and disciplines related to engineering, law, psychology, social and emergencies. Of course, someone who studies engineering, law or psychology becomes more knowledgeable when they spread a little more within the scope of occupational safety."

"I am more interested in the system there"

Temur mentioned that the system in the Czech Republic attracted more attention and stated that "When I look at other universities, I do not do much about our universities or the quality of their education because they have similarities, and I can say that we are better at most things. However, I am more interested in this order or this system in the Czech Republic. We are trying to learn something in terms of health in a 4-year department or a 2-year program. In engineering, we try to learn both from a technical and legal point of view. However, this does not happen in the Czech Republic. The fire protection department tests how the fire broke out, how it should be intervened directly, what materials can be made better and more durable, which materials are used, in which place, in which building, which judicial material should be used. They have laboratory facilities for testing. Their opportunities are very different.”

Instructor Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen: "It is time to change our system”

Üsküdar University Graduate School of Health Sciences Occupational Health and Safety Instructor Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen made evaluations on the current system. Gezen stated that "Western countries, that is, Europe and the United States, other western countries, Arabian Peninsula countries, Pakistan, India and even the Republic of China specialize in parts of occupational safety such as mechanical and electrical, fire explosion with the training received as a security engineer. I think that the system in our country should change and our students should graduate with the title of engineer or security engineer."

The interview ended after the question and answer session.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)