The book titled "Religious Reform in the Late Ottoman Empire” is on the shelves...

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Üsküdar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History, Assist. Prof. Erhan Bektaş's work titled “Religious Reform in the Late Ottoman Empire” was published by I.B. Tauris Publications. Written in English under the title "Religious Reform in the Late Ottoman Empire: Institutional Change and the Professionalization of the Ulema", the book revisits the common view that the influence of the ulema declined in the last century of the Ottoman Empire. With its rich research and strong language, the book is an important resource for history enthusiasts and those who want to understand the complex structure of the Ottoman Empire.

With the book published by I.B. Tauris, one of the world's leading publishing houses in the international arena, Dr. Erhan Bektaş makes a name for himself in the field of Ottoman History.

It deals with the influence of the ulema in the last period of the Ottoman Empire...

In his work titled "Religious Reform in the Late Ottoman Empire: Institutional Change and the Professionalization of the Ulema", Dr. Bektaş reconsiders the widespread view that the influence of the ulama declined in the last century of the Ottoman Empire.

Based on the Ottoman state archives and the Meşihat (office of the Sheikh al-Islam) archive, the work shows that the ulema went through the process of professionalization within the framework of the Tanzimat reforms and reveals that they continued their important role in Ottoman society.

It presents a detailed portrait of the ulama...

The book begins by explaining the transformations in the Meşihat (office of the Sheikh al-Islam), and then uses the archives to present a detailed portrait of the ulama who were appointed in the field of law and education in the state.

The book also shows that in the centralization efforts of the state, the ulama played a central role in the empire, especially in the provincial areas, by acting as intermediaries between the government and community groups.

With his rich research and strong pen, Dr. Erhan Bektaş offers an important literature to history enthusiasts and those who want to understand the complex structure of the Ottoman Empire.

About the author:

About the book:

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)