Those who have good social relationships age less...

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Stating that the elderly love young people who ask questions, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan noted that "The thing that makes the elderly the happiest is that young people come and ask them for ideas."

Tarhan stated that It is not possible for a person who does good deeds to be lonely in the later years of their life, and selfish people are lonely. Tarhan also added that people with good social relations age less.

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that there is a culture of living as if 'never dying' in popular culture in the world, and that such people are depressed when faced with death and old age.

Noting that our genes allow us to live up to the age of 120 with a healthy lifestyle, Prof. Tarhan stated that "If a person's height is written as 1.80 cm in one’s genes, they will grow up to 1.80 if they take care of themselves. If they do not, they can stay in the 1.60s and 1.70s. This also applies to age. Therefore, aging is our biological destiny that occurs with birth. Modernism teaches us to be happy by ignoring this."

Are we narcissistic investing?

Explaining that people make narcissistic investments in their bodies as they see diseases and old age, Prof. Tarhan said that "Narcissistic investment is loving too much of one's body, one's age, one's soul and one's life. Investing love in oneself. Whatever the investment of love is, a person has made a narcissistic investment in it. If the narcissist has invested in their body, they will panic if a small part of them hurts. If their health deteriorates, they immediately go to the hospital, and when they see an ambulance, they get worse. This is the definition of meaning. If they did it to money, when there is a small crisis or loss of money, they immediately become depressed. If they have done it, they will collapse immediately when they fall from office. For example, they get cancer within 6 months of a CEO retiring."

Stating that the person who makes the narcissistic investment cannot give up on aesthetics, Prof. Tarhan said that "However, it is important not only to add something to oneself in narcissistic investment, but also to add something to humanity, to add something to life, to add something to the homeland, and to live in accordance with creation."

Every age has its pros, cons and beauty

Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that the biggest nightmare of human beings is expressed as loneliness, meaninglessness and uncertainty, and continued his remarks as follows:

"The biggest fear of all of them is meaninglessness. When one gives meaning to their life, the uncertainty goes away, and so does the loneliness. Meaning is the critical concept here. When one adds meaning to his work, he sits into a logical framework in the mind.

How does old age give meaning? The biggest loss of meaning is for the old to try to look like the young. Every age has its pluses, minuses and beauty. If one knows the beauty of every age, one can live. It's the same in childhood, it is the same in adolescence, and it is the same in middle age... We lose some of our faculties in later life, but we gain some of our faculties. For example, what are the acquired skills? Becoming wiser, being the person in the family who is asked for ideas, being the people who guide and help people, having produced some works, raising a good son, being engaged in a useful science, leaving good things that continue after death add meaning to life. In such a situation, people say that I have aged, but I have aged with quality, and they say that I have added meaning to society and life."

Living in past memories is old age...

Stating that those who do not have an investment after death are more likely to suffer from old age depression, Prof. Tarhan said that "If a person cannot get out of their comfort zone, one does not learn new things and they are not surprised. They think that they know many things and they say I know everything. They have a high ego and do not wonde. They do not question and research. They only live in past memories, and they constantly repeat old ones. These are called old age."

Noting that there are 3 types of old age, which are expressed as chronological old age, biological old age and psychological old age, Prof. Tarhan said that "The person learns new things and goes out of their comfort zone, and if one is lively and energetic, the person does not wear themselves out. Since the brains of these people already secrete the hormone of happiness, they do not even get Alzheimer's even if they carry the gene. When you say how you stayed young, be sure that people who live like this stay young. If our body is a state, our brain is a government. If a person manages their brain well, it means that they manage their whole body and health well."

An elderly person who spends their day in cafes ages more quickly

Emphasizing the importance of using knowledge in accordance with their age, Prof. Tarhan said: "The thing that makes the elderly the happiest is that young people come and ask them for ideas. Young people do not want to ask as they claim they know it. The elderly people love the young people who ask questions, and they especially love the children. Since they are curious to learn, they also pass on what they know.

Old age does not mean retreating to the corner of the house or going to a nursing home, living that way. In society, the elderly is seen as disadvantaged people. The World Health Organization calls the age range between 65 and 74 ages as early old age. The ages between 75 and 84 are called as mid-old age. The age 85 and over is called as advanced old age. Since the average age of the entire population has risen a lot, it feels the need to rank it as well. In fact, the ideal is for the person to find something that they can work on for the rest of their life. An elderly person who gets up in the morning and has a purpose… Otherwise, one spends the day in the café and gets old more quickly."

Stating that as a culture, we perceive going to a nursing home as 'abandonment', Prof. Tarhan explained that no one wants to leave a happy elderly, who has left good marks in the society, and that even if those people go to the nursing home voluntarily, there are many visitors.

Those who have good social relationships age less...

Stating that it is necessary to aim to produce until the last breath, Prof. Tarhan said that "This production may not necessarily be physical production, and it will be mental production. It will be guiding children..."

Noting that people with good social relations age less, Prof. Tarhan stated that, a budget has been allocated and investments have been made in this regard due to the high level of elderly loneliness in Europe.

Prof. Tarhan stated that those who help people without interest and gratuitousness are loved without realizing it, and concluded his remarks as follows: "It is not possible for a person who does good to be alone in the later years of their life, and selfish people become lonely."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)