The greatest treasure bestowed by Atatürk on the Turkish Nation: The Republic

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Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services organized an event titled 'My Greatest Work is the Republic'. Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Department of Medical Pathology Prof. İbrahim Öztek attended the event. Highlighting the fact that the Republic is the form of administration that best suits the character and customs of the Turkish nation, Öztek said that "Our republic is 100 years old and will continue forever.”

The moderator of the event, which was held at the Çarşı Campus Emirnebi 1 Conference Hall, was Üsküdar University VSHS Emergency and First Aid Program Head Asst. Prof. Ayşe Bağlı.

"The Republic is the administration that best suits the character and customs of the Turkish nation"

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Department of Medical Pathology Prof. İbrahim Öztek noted that an uneducated nation cannot get rid of slavery. Öztek stated that "The Republic of Türkiye will prove with its works that it is worthy of the place it holds among the states of the world. While declaring the Republic, Atatürk says, 'My greatest work is the Republic.' The Republic is the administration that is most suitable for the character and customs of the Turkish nation. The Republic was celebrated with enthusiasm all over the country. He did great things in a short time. With the Treaty of Lausanne, the state of the Republic of Türkiye was born from the ashes of an empire. The Republic founded by Atatürk on October 29, 1923 took place after a life-and-death war against the most powerful states of the world. Today, our Republic is 100 years old and will continue forever. Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk became a teacher for the state he founded. He showed his nation the true modernity and way of life to our nation. An uneducated nation cannot be freed from slavery."

"The Republic expects generations with free ideas, conscience and wisdom from you"

Emphasizing that it is the Turkish youth who will keep the Republic alive, Öztek said that "Sabiha Gökçen, the first female pilot in the world and the first fighter pilot in the world, trained by Atatürk, is also one of the people raised by the Republic. The Republic expects generations from you whose ideas are free, whose conscience is free, and whose wisdom is free. We established the republic and you will keep it alive. A republic is a government established by the nation, in which the nation governs itself, where the source of sovereignty belongs to the nation, and where the head of state is elected. Atatürk says ‘Sovereignty belongs unconditionally to the nation.’ The first goal in the republic is democracy. A republic is freedom, independence, the way to progress in every field is to live humanely. In the Republic he founded, Atatürk established democracy, secularism, the understanding of the social state, the principle of the rule of law, and the concept of the supremacy of justice in today's conditions. Then he would like to call it to the educated, cultured, enlightened youth who look to the future with confidence, whose ideas are free, whose conscience is free, whose wisdom is free; He entrusted the generation by saying, 'Turkish Youth! Your first duty is forever to preserve and to defend Turkish Independence and the Turkish Republic.'"

The greatest treasure bestowed by Atatürk on the Turkish Nation: The Republic

Prof. İbrahim Öztek underlined that Türkiye has to prepare much more excellent projects against projects that aim to destroy itself. Öztek stated that "Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk left us an excellent country. Due to its strategic location in the past and today, this country is again in the target of the ruling powers and colonials with its underground and aboveground wealth. Türkiye has to prepare much more perfect projects against projects that aim to destroy itself. The enemies of the Republic will melt away in the face of the virtue, knowledge and level of development and intelligence of the Republic. Every individual who benefits from the blessings of this state and country will never forget the duty of protecting and protecting the independence and republic, which is entrusted by Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for 100 years, as citizens with free ideas, free conscience and free knowledge, depending on the unity of the nation, the glory of the crescent and star flag, the supremacy of democracy and justice and the principles of secularism. The Republic is the greatest treasure bestowed by Atatürk on the Turkish Nation. It will remain its greatest treasure today and, in the future, as it was in the past."

"Üsküdar has taken great steps in the name of science on the path pointed out by Atatürk"

Pointing out that Üsküdar University is determined and decisive to rise above science, culture, science and contemporary civilizations, Öztek stated that "Atatürk always says to rise above modern civilizations, to work hard, that the world of the future will belong to the hardworking, that the truest guide in life is knowledge, that an uneducated nation will be condemned to slavery. Atatürk says that ‘If one day, my words are against science, choose science.’ Today, Üsküdar University has taken great steps in the name of science on the path pointed out by my ancestor. Our President Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, as a scientist, shows great goals to our students with the slogan 'Your brain will change the world.' The scientists of our university are also rapidly running towards these goals. Our university is determined and decisive to rise above science, culture, science and contemporary civilizations."

The event ended after a group photo shoot.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)