‘Mobbing’ was discussed in the 1 Topic 1 Guest event

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.42701

Üsküdar University Occupational Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Health Application and Research Center (ÜSGÜMER) organized the 62nd edition of the 1 Topic 1 Guest event. A session was held. Human, Culture and Change Management Consultant Lerzan Erkan participated in the program as a guest.

At the online event, Human, Culture and Change Management Consultant Lerzan Erkan made a presentation titled "Managing Mobbing (Psychological Harassment)".

"Authorities should have clear information"

Erkan, who gave information about the elements of mobbing, said that "Mobbing is when a few people direct a systematic, planned hostile communication to a person, and one or more people exhibit behaviors with the intention of leaving the job for the other person by planning. If we give an example of mobbing elements, we can give examples of systematic progression, long-term progression, and realization in the workplace. In this context, when mobbing elements arise in the workplace, the authorities should have clear information. In order to prevent mobbing, attention should be paid to the protection of confidentiality in the investigation and investigation of allegations in this direction."

"ALO 170 data is important"

Lerzan Erkan, who drew attention to the ALO 170 data and mentioned that the ALO 170 data is very important and said: "Out of approximately 100,000 applications, 5% turned into complaints, and 95% received psychological support. The rate of applicants from the private sector is reflected in the data as 81%. ALO 170 data is very important in this context."

"The person is obliged to prove their claim"

Emphasizing the importance of proof, Lerzan Akın stated that "The person who claims to have been exposed to mobbing is obliged to prove their claim in terms of proving mobbing. From a legal point of view, the quality of the evidence we have is important. To say what these can be, it is that you have all kinds of issues related to mobbing in correspondence. The person should keep documents such as correspondence, notes, messages, e-mails that will prove that that person has been exposed to mobbing, and if these behaviors continue, my suggestion is to write down these behaviors in all details. In the legal sense, if the employee does not have any written evidence or a message sent, if this mobbing is progressing verbally, it is legally allowed to take audio recordings as a last resort. Documents such as correspondence, notes, messages, e-mails that will prove that they have been subjected to mobbing should be kept."

The online event ended after the questions of the participants were answered.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)