Preventing the delivery of a medicine to the people in need is a crime against humanity!

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Making remarks on the lack of food and medicine in Gaza and the health problems that may accompany it, Public Health Specialist and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Üsküdar University Prof. Haydar Sur stated that "It is considered a crime against humanity for any government to prevent the delivery of a medicine to those in need for any reason, or without any reason." Sur also drew attention to the risk of epidemics in Gaza.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Haydar Sur make remarks on the controversy over the entry of food and medicine into Gaza and said that "We have watched and are watching what happened there heartbrokenly. It is not bearable anymore…”

Stating that healthcare professionals stand by all humanity, Prof. Sur continued his remarks as follows:

When there is no peace, it is accepted that the health of that country is under all kinds of threats...

"There should not have been a war. If there is war, health disappears. The WHO signed an international declaration in Ottawa, Canada in 1986. It is a very famous declaration in public health. Here, 8 items were listed as prerequisites for peace and health. They said that 'If those 8 items do not exist in a society, there can be no mention of health in that society.' Do you know what the first number of them is? Peace... When there is no peace, it is accepted that the health of that country is under all kinds of threats.

Apart from that, there is a list of healthy water, healthy food, clean air conditions, healthy housing conditions, access to health services when needed, and a list of essential medicines from the WHO."

Preventing the delivery of a medicine to those in need is considered a crime against humanity

Noting that even if one is convicted of the most serious crime, these medicines will be delivered to that person as a human right, Prof. Sur said: "It is considered a crime against humanity for any state to prevent the delivery of a medicine to those in need for any reason, or without any reason."

The risk of epidemics in Gaza...

Addressing to the risk of epidemics in Gaza, Prof. Haydar Sur stated that "As an acute, that is, emergency, dozens of cancer patients may die before they can be treated due to bleeding, heart attack, or any patients having kidney problems may die due to the fact that they cannot access dialysis. There will also be deaths due to injuries caused by war.”


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)