Fireworks and similar products should not be used indoors

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Pointing out that the fire in the wedding hall that resulted in the death of 115 people in Mosul, Iraq was caused by the fireworks used in the hall, the experts emphasized that there are similar halls in our country and that necessary precautions should be taken. Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Rüştü Uçan said that "Close attention should be paid to indoor wedding halls in our country. Especially those who are in the basement and do not have enough escape opportunities should be sealed and not used."

It was determined that the fire in the wedding hall, which resulted in the death of 115 people in Mosul Iraq, was caused by the fireworks used in the hall.

900 people were invited to the 400-seat hall

Üsküdar University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Health and Safety Instructor Abdurrahman İnce said that it was understood that 900 people were invited to the 400-seat hall in Mosul and that additional tables and chairs were placed for this.

The composite material melts and drips at high temperatures...

İnce also stated that it was understood that steel construction frame, concrete walls, composite panel roofing material were used in the construction of the wedding hall, and noted that it was seen that the composite material melted at high temperatures and caused re-ignition in many places in the form of dripping.

There are decorations made of flammable materials in the living room and on the ceiling

Abdurrahman İnce stated that there were no emergency escape doors, that the normal exit doors were small and some of them were locked, and that some survivors were able to escape by breaking these doors, and that there were decorations made of flammable materials in the hall and on the ceiling of the hall.

The fire was spread by the flammable decoration material...

Abdurrahman İnce said that: "It is understood that 4 fireworks were used in this closed hall, and the sparks coming out of them went up to 4 meters and it is seen in the video recording. It is understood that the fire occurred when these sparks ignited the flammable decoration materials on the ceiling, and the decoration materials falling from top to bottom and burning spread the fire. It is also understood that the toxic smoke of the fire, the high temperature and the death of people who could not escape the ongoing fire."

Fireworks should not be used indoors!

Making evaluations on the subject, Üsküdar University Head of Occupational Health and Safety Department Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan also explained that "Fireworks and similar pyrotechnic products (the general name of explosives produced to create effects such as heat, sound, smoke, light through chemical reactions) cannot and should not be used in closed spaces. This prohibition must be followed under all circumstances. In our country, great attention should be paid to indoor wedding halls. Especially those who are in the basement and do not have enough escape opportunities should be sealed and not used. For those who have sufficient escape opportunities, escape doors and escape stairs should be in a position to be opened at all times, and this issue should be checked before each wedding."

Easy-to-burn materials should not be used in the material of curtains and ornaments!

Emphasizing that curtains and decorations should not be made of easily flammable materials, especially in indoor wedding halls, Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan said that "If fireworks and similar pyrotechnic products are to be used in the open area, they should be used safely after taking all the safety precautions required by the legislation and user manuals."

Implementation with the fire department should be carried out before the wedding season

Explaining that the maximum number of tables and participants in meeting halls and wedding halls should be determined in advance and the seating plans should be announced in a way that everyone can see at the entrance, approved by the municipality. Prof. Rüştü Uçan continued as follows:

"Fire extinguishing systems and lighting systems that show escape routes in case of fire should be activated. In such meeting rooms, at least one implementation should be held with the fire department in May (before the intensity of marriage ceremonies begins). The deficiencies seen in these exercises should be corrected as soon as possible. Fire extinguishing systems must be installed and in active operation. There should also be a sufficient number of fire extinguishers. Although this type of fire with great loss does not exist in our country, we know that there are these and similar halls in our country. Let's take precautions today to avoid such a serious situation."

Implementation for fireworks use

The instructions for using fireworks given by Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan in summary are as follows:

-It can be used by authorities over the age of 18.

-It must be used outdoors and only in open areas.

-It should be at least 80 meters away from people and flammable materials.

-You must pay attention to ensure that there is no obstructive element in the environment and in the sky.

-The product should be placed on a hard and flat ground with the arrow facing upwards and fixed.

-During firing, the ignition wick label should be torn off by standing on its side so that no part of the body is on the product.

-By igniting the wick from the very end, the back should be turned and with quick steps to move away from at least 40 meters, which is the minimum safety distance.

-In cases where the product does not burn or does not explode before it is finished, wait at least 15 minutes. No attempt should be made to re-incinerate. The product should be stored safely until it is returned to the place of purchase.

-This product is used only with the permission of the local authorities.

-Judicial and administrative action is taken against those who are found to be using it even though they do not have an ignition certificate.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)