The New Academic Year Orientation Days have begun with Medicine and Dentistry…

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Üsküdar University started its new academic year orientation programs with the Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Haydar Sur, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Yumuşhan Günay and academic and administrative staff also participated in the program, and the heads of departments and directorates provided information to the newly registered students of Medicine and Dentistry before the beginning of the new academic year. President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan's message on "Addiction" was also shared in the program.

The first orientation program of the 2023-2024 academic year was held at the Ibn-i Sina Auditorium for the students of the Faculty of Medicine.

Prof. Haydar Sur: "Educate yourself as a good intellectual"

In the program in which the students showed interest, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Haydar Sur shared hir remarks with the new students about acquiring a profession and training in the field. Highlighting the importance of raising themselves as intellectuals who have knowledge in every field, Sur also advised medical candidates about the meaning and importance of the white coat.

After the orientation of the Faculty of Medicine, an orientation was held for the students of the Faculty of Dentistry in the afternoon.

Prof. Yumuşhan Günay: "The profession of dentistry is far beyond what you think"

In the orientation program, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Yumuşhan Günay, addressed the students first. Talking about the future of the profession and the importance of self-development, Günay said that "The dental profession is far beyond what you might have imagined, like an iceberg, just the tip of it... There is much more than that, and it hides itself. As the student puts effort, it opens the hidden places. As these are opened, the brightness of the profession increases even more. It gains a quality that supports and feeds the opinion that ‘I am glad that I have preferred dentistry’. Dentistry has many doors that expand and enrich the world of a person. It is possible to look at the dental profession not only from one window, but from many windows. According to the window you look at, you see many different sides of the profession. In addition to medical knowledge, you will also need to learn respect, compassion and reverence for people to make error-free decisions. Never forget that."

Head of Corporate Communication Department Tahsin Aksu: "I recommend you to follow our social media accounts"

In the program where many department heads informed about their own units and operations, the Head of the Corporate Communication Department Tahsin Aksu gave information about the areas in which the units operating within the Corporate Communication Department carried out all the corporate communication and promotion activities of the university and the areas in which the units operating within the Corporate Communication Department carried out. Aksu stated that "We organize a lot of events throughout the year. This organization information is included in the event calendar of our website. I definitely recommend that you follow our social media accounts because we make many announcements from our social media accounts before sharing it on the website."

Head of the Student Affairs Department Cumhur Bakır stated that students can check their attendance status, exam grades, course registration and exemption request results through the student information system.

Head of Library and Documentation Department Sinan Eker informed the students about the libraries, electronic resources and book borrowing system in the campuses in the promotional film prepared about the Library and Documentation Department.

Career Center Director Remziye Çopur gave information to the students about the internships, alumni relations and job opportunities after graduation in her speech to inform about the Career Center Department.

Head of International Registration and Communication Department Dilbar Aliyeva gave information about the Department of International Relations and explained the details about Erasmus to the students.

Assistant Specialist in Distance Education Buse Tekin gave information to the students about Distance Education Application and Research Center ÜSUZEM.

HCS expert Kenan Karagöz gave information about the works carried out by the Health, Culture and Sports Department.

Vice Director of the Hardware Unit Ali Akcan informed the students about the Internet service offered to the students in each campus, the e-mail addresses given to the students, the smart boards in the classrooms and the computer laboratories in the introduction film prepared about the Information Technologies Department.

Message on 'Addiction' message from Prof. Nevzat Tarhan...

In the last sessions of both orientations, President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan's message on "Addiction" was read. His message titled " My Dear Young Friend, Get Ready for The Wonders of University Life but Please Remember That" was read by Media PR Unit Manager Şaban Özdemir. In his message, Tarhan also shared the basic 24 golden skills for "Happy Life".

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)