Drugs can be prescribed according to the genetic code of human!

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.41644

Speaking at the 6th BaCI (Basic Clinical and Multimodal Imaging) Conference hosted by Üsküdar University, Monte Buchsbaum, Professor of Radiology and Psychiatry at the University of California and a pioneer of neuroimaging technologies, said that "In the future, personalized medicine, reading the genetic code and matching it to treatment will be the most important areas of development in the health sector. The extended human lifespan gives us successful old age years. We can read each person's genetic code and look at the physiology of each genetic message and prescribe the appropriate drugs. We do not want psychiatrists to prescribe only a predictive medication. We want to write a specifically targeted drug. Therefore, scientific measurement techniques such as EEG should be used."

Prof. Monte Buchsbaum stated that with the development of biomedicine, it was realized that the old treatments were not very good in his opening remarks at the 6th BaCI Conference, and he stressed the importance of personalized medicine. Prof. Buchsbaum stated that "With current technology and new drugs, we can treat schizophrenia; however, it is still not at the level we want. Personalized medicine is the gold standard for mental health. In the future, personalized medicine, reading the genetic code and matching it to treatment will be the most important areas of development in the healthcare industry. The extended human lifespan gives us successful old age years. We can read each person's genetic code and look at the physiology of each genetic message and prescribe the appropriate drugs. We do not want psychiatrists to prescribe only a predictive drug, we want to prescribe a specifically targeted drug. Therefore, scientific measurement techniques such as EEG should be used."

Honorary Doctorate to the pioneer of neuroimaging

On August 10, the Üsküdar University Senate decided to award Prof. Buchsbaum an Honorary Doctorate for his valuable contributions to the study of neuroscience on a global scale and his passionate commitment to the treatment of psychiatric disorders. During the opening speech of the 6th Basic Clinical and Multimodal Imaging (BaCl) Conference starting at Üsküdar University NP Health Campus, an honorary doctorate was presented to internationally renowned imaging neuroscientist Prof. Monte Buchsbaum. Buchsbaum was dressed in his robe by President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan.

"There is no room for error in psychiatry" 

Professor of Radiology and Psychiatry at the University of California Monte Buchsbaum, who is considered the pioneer of neuroimaging technologies, touched on the importance of the use of EEG as a scientific measurement technique in the opening speech of the conference. Buchsbaum said that "People are different. The brains of two patients, one depressed and the other schizophrenic, are different from the others. This is very important for determining which drug to give to which patient. There is no room for any sorts of error in psychiatry. Therefore, scientific measurement techniques such as EEG should be used. It is very important for us to understand the differences between a patient with schizophrenia and depression. I believe that this drug-inspired EEG method will allow us to find these points in the brain and match them with the appropriate pharmacological therapy."

Prof. Buchsbaum said that "In the future, when creating individual treatment plans, we will first take data from the EEG and see how EEG differs from healthy individuals, where it changes. This will tell us a point in the brain. Most likely in the frontal lobe or other possible spots. Then we will look at our library, our pictures. We will look at how EEG gives a different result from other drugs from the pictures and data in our library. This has already been done. Then, we will be able to decide which drug specifically affects which point by looking at the results on the EEG. This will allow us to choose the right drug. We have the specific brain picture, we have the EEG data, and naturally we know which specific drug to give."

Prof. Buchsbaum stated that there is very clear evidence that drugs are good for psychiatric and other neurological diseases in EEG and continued his remarks: "This is why it is very important to use the EEG technique to its full potential. This morning, researchers from different countries discussed how EEG can be used as a different treatment method. In particular, we have seen how effective EEG is in choosing drugs. The meeting of scientists from different countries is something that improves the quality of science."

"Now we have an information pool"

Pointing out that Üsküdar University is one of the leading universities in global information sharing, Buchsbaum said that "Science is advancing rapidly thanks to global communication. Global sharing is a good thing for science. In the past, it was very difficult to compare these studies across the globe. However, now we can create a pool of knowledge and make it available to the whole world. Through global conferences, we are able to share our research techniques. Üsküdar University's effort in this area is exciting."

He has been working in the field of neuroscience for 61 years

About Prof. Monte Buchsbaum:

Monte S. Buchsbaum, who published his first scientific publication in 1962, has been working in the field of neuroscience for 61 years. He has published more than 500 research reports in scientific journals, mostly on positron emission tomography. Prof. Monte Buchsbaum was included in the database of the Institute of Scientific Information as one of the most cited scientists and published the first study to include a quantitative statistical analysis of brain metabolism in patients with schizophrenia and depression. Having published 517 articles in the scientific journals examined, Dr. Buchsbaum was the founding editor of the scientific journal Psychiatry Research for twenty years, guiding more than 10,000 drafts in the review and decision process and accepting scientific papers from 57 countries.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)