Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "We must carry the ancient medical knowledge of Islam to the whole world"

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The "Panel on the Art of Medicine in Our Ancient Civilization and Anatolian Darüşşifaları" was held under the protection of the Governorship of Istanbul with the partnership between Üsküdar University and Darüşşifa Foundation, and they went on a journey to the history of world and Islamic medicine in the panel. The panel, which was held with the participation of Istanbul Deputy Governor Niyazi Ertem, Stanford University School of Medicine Muslim Mental Health and Islamic Psychology Laboratory Director Assoc. Prof. Rania Awaad, President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, and the pane was moderated by Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Darüşşifa Foundation Dr. Tarık Eren Yılmaz. The panel was also adorned with the World Islamic Civilization: Anatolian Darüşşifaları Exhibition. All the panelists agreed on the need for the ancient knowledge of the Islamic Medical World to pass into modern medicine and that the whole world needs Islamic wisdom. Prof. Nevzat Tarhan addressed the youth and the world of science and emphasized that now is the time to get rid of laziness and that this transfer can only be made if the ancient medical knowledge of Islam is shared with the whole world. Assoc. Prof. Rania Awaad, who visited 13 different Darüşşifa in Türkiye, stated that these structures reflected the holistic medicine perspective even at that time in terms of both architecture and patient treatment.

The "Panel on the Art of Medicine in Our Ancient Civilization and Anatolian Darüşşifaları" was held under the protection of the Governorship of Istanbul with the partnership between Üsküdar University and Darüşşifa Foundation and started with the opening speeches of Istanbul Deputy Governor Niyazi Erten under the moderation of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Darüşşifa Foundation under the auspices of the Governorship of Istanbul Dr. Tarık Eren Yılmaz at the Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall. Prof. Nevzat Tarhan explained the milestones in the history of Islamic medicine and the deficiencies of modern medicine in his presentation titled "Anatolian Origins of Modern Psychiatric Treatment" in the panel attended by Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör. Director of the world's only Muslim Mental Health and Islamic Psychology Laboratory at Stanford University, Psychiatrist Assoc. Prof. Rania Awaad talked about the general structure of Darüşşifas, the way the theory is transferred to practice and its timelessness on the focus of mental health.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "We must get rid of laziness and create information paths"

Prof. Dr. Tarhan, who started his speech by expressing the importance of this panel in terms of establishing a bridge between the past and the future of the World Medical History, said that people need Anatolian wisdom and Islamic wisdom very much. Prof. Tarhan said that "Today, material well-being has risen, but spiritual well-being has fallen. We are starting to see all sorts of bad consequences of that. Western civilization first makes it sick, then tries to cure it. We need to build information paths thanks to the Internet, just as the Romans built stone roads. In this way, we can quickly deliver the truth to the whole world. We must get rid of laziness and find ways to share the ancient knowledge of Islam with the whole world, and we must carry the knowledge in these ways. It is necessary to worry about this, to experience its excitement.".

"The physicians of the Islamic World gave direction to today's modern medicine"

Underlining that the findings, observations and experiences of Al-Razi, Ibn-i Sina, Ibn-i Rüşt, Şerafettin Sabuncuoğlu, who lived between 1385 and 1470, have made very important contributions to today's modern medicine, and some of them still cannot be got ahead of it, Tarhan also said that these scholars influenced the history of humanity. He also expressed the Islamic World's perspective on human health with the following remarks: "The Christian world attached importance to treatment. However, in doing so, it neglects the body, and this causes diseases such as plague to spread. We even know that at that time, plague patients were burned because they thought the devil possessed them. However, Darüşşifa in Anatolia offers health services to people with mental health disorders with a humane approach and completely natural treatments. For example, the Prophet Muhammad's statement that "Everything but death is a lie" created an important motivation in the medical world at that time. Aromatherapy is a widely used treatment method in the Islamic world. Our ancestors pioneered modern treatment in hospitals known as Bimarhane for the treatment of mental illness. Al-Razi shares information that attaches importance to experimental medicine and observation in the 840s under the conditions of that day and carries them to his books. Şerafettin Sabuncuoğlu gives the advice 'Eat well, sleep well, say hello from afar' during the plague epidemic in Istanbul and washes his hands with vinegar, the ancestor of today's disinfectant. This is very ancient knowledge.".

"Synthesis of religion and science should be made"

Speaking about the necessity of change, Tarhan stated that "The Ottoman could not keep up with the Western Industry 1.0 revolution, and since then the decline in the scientific field has begun. Therefore, urgent measures need to be taken now. Spiritual asset is the medicine of the whole world, and it will be the wisdom of monotheistic faith. There is no need for a new reform of religion. The Qur'an is very clear and unambiguous. A renaissance is needed by preserving the essence. It is necessary to do as regeneration. New traditions should be established instead of old ones. As a solution, İlm-i Kalam should be explained at the high school levels. We must be renewed with science and wisdom without failing from a system of beliefs and philosophy that focuses on the mystical aspect of Islam. We must strive and revive the spirit of the century of bliss. The Qur'an will correct the complications of capitalism.".

Assoc. Prof. Rania Awaad: "You can see that all the senses are addressed for treatment in the darüşşifas"

During his visit, she visited 13 Darüşşifa in Türkiye and said that he wanted to see the flow in the field. Awaad stated that the world's first Islamic Psychology Laboratory at Stanford University focuses on the mental health of Muslims and builds bridges by combining the Islamic tradition with modern medicine. Awaad said that "My main observation at the Darüşşifas has been to address mental health disorders from a holistic perspective. No matter what civilization it is, there are different types of hospitals. The healing centers of Islamic civilization have a very special difference, especially those built on treating mental health well. If we consider the chapters in the Qur'an that talk about mental health, we can say that patients are given great importance here because they blend science and information taken from the Qur'an together. We have a lot to learn from these healing centers. For example, the open courtyard layout and the sound of water created by the fountains at the entrances are almost an example of music therapy. Today, the health system focuses more on pharmacology, but you see that all your senses are appealed to in Darüşşifa. The fact that it is in greenery, that there are pharmacies where medicines are prepared, that the plants grown there are used in the production of these medicines, that there are nutritionists and special kitchens are very impressive in terms of addressing health holistically. We see how those who are sick are taken care of. You know, seeing is believing.".

A cooperation protocol was signed between Üsküdar University and Darüşşifa Foundation

After the panel broadcasted live on ÜÜ TV, a cooperation protocol was signed between President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan and Türkiye Darüşşifa Foundation President of Board of Executives Assoc. Prof. Tarık Eren Yılmaz.

Anatolian Darüşşifas Exhibition was visited

After the panel and protocol signing ceremony, participated visited the World Islamic Civilization: Anatolian Darüşşifas Exhibition.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)