She completed 3 programs in Üsküdar University at the age of 42

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Derya Ezber who could not continue her education life due to marriage at an early age, health problems and similar unfortunate conditions, realized her childhood dream in Üsküdar University at the age of 42. Completing Autopsy Assistantship, Electroneurophysiology and Emergency and Disaster Management programs, Ezber now aims to purse a master’s degree first and then an academic career.


Üsküdar University, which was established on March 03, 2011 with the title of Türkiye's first thematic university in the field of Behavioral Sciences and Health, mediates the realization of the dreams of many people. One of these names is Derya Ezber, who sets an example for those around her with her success at the age of 42. Ezber, who could not continue her education life because she married at an early age, stayed away from education for a long time due to the health problems that came later.

She made a list of the departments she dreamed of

After the age 35 that her life started to return normal, Derya decided to realize her dreams, and her first address became Üsküdar University. Ezber first listed the departmend she has been dreaming of since her childhood and then started to study in those programs. Her education life starting with Vocational School of Health Sciences Emergency and Disaster Management continued with Autopsy Assistantship and Electroneurophysiology. Graduating from 3 programs this year, Ezber is also studying the Laboratory and Veterinary Technician program as open education program at another university.

"All the students were my child's age"

Stating that Üsküdar University has a special place in her, Ezber said that "I can say that this place has been a turning point in my life. It has contributed greatly to gaining my self-confidence and getting to know myself. Due to early marriage, economic conditions and health problems, I was both away from life and closed in. With the support of my husband, I took the exam and won this university. The first days I had a lot of difficulty. All the students were my child's age. I thought I could not fit in. However, both my professors and the university environment surrounded me so much that I got used to it in a short time. If I had not warmed up to university, I would have dropped out. I am glad it was not in that way, and I am in a very different place now. Self-confidence and socialization brought success afterwards. I read all the departments I imagined in order. It is a very nice feeling. I want everyone to experience this.".

"What was important for me was not to get a job, but to achieve something"

Stating that she received positive reactions from her environment, Ezber said that "I share my graduation ceremonies and happiness on social media. I saw that I was an example to my peers who were in my situation. After me, some of them started to study at the university with formal education and some with distance education. Now the topics we talk about have also changed. While we used to talk about ordinary topics on a daily basis, now we talk about the agenda. What was important to me was not to get a job, but to achieve something. I am at that stage right now. I did not expect that I would love university so much and make me so happy. For me, Üsküdar University has become like my family. They have been there for me in everything. Even if I graduate, I will continue to be in contact with the university and meet with my instructors. I am already coming here when I get the chance. Maybe one day I will join them as an academic. Why not? I would like to thank everyone who supported me. My new goals are first a master's degree and then an academic career.".

“The joke became real”

Stating that he is proud of his wife, Elvan Ezber said that: “One day Derya told me that ‘I want to be a university student’. I, jokingly, told her that ‘don’t you dare you to go one better than me’, and we laughed. I supported her during exam period. We studied together. After she won the exam, she handled the rest by herself. She worked hard, she put a lot of effort, and she deserved this outcome. I assumed she was going to complete one university department. The joke I mad became real, and she passed me with the number of departments. I will be by her side to the highest point she will reach.”.

Prof. Tarhan and Prof. Güngör congratulated her

Derya who also surprised her classmate with her determination met with President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan and Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör at the Üsküdar University Preference Days. Tarhan and Güngör gave advices to Ezer regarding her future and congratulated her for her success.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)